Anonym (Vågarinte) skrev 2020-12-06 17:32:06 följande:
Gravida avråds, varför om det nu är så säkert och ofarligt?
Det här med att vaccinet kan orsaka infertilitet, kanske är en konspirationsteori, men vågar man verkligen chansa? Kan man var hlet 100 på att det inte ligger något i det.? Nej, jag vill inte.
Citat från Ralf Sundberg, läkare "Vaccinet kan orsaka antikroppar mot syncytin, ett protein som behövs för att utveckla en placenta, alltså att kunna bli gravid."
Om du ska ha en källhänvisning kan du börja med att ha den på rätt språk, förutom att den så klart också bör innehålla själva citatet.
Om du hade läst det du länkade till hade du också läst det här, precis i inledningen:
Someone has claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines are going to cause infertility because of a shared amino acid sequence in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and a placental protein, which will make the immune system attack both as it can?t tell the difference. The truth? This sequence is too short for the immune system to meaningfully confuse it with placental proteins. It?s sort of like saying that you are going to be confusedSomeone has claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines are going to cause infertility because of a shared amino acid sequence in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and a placental protein, which will make the immune system attack both as it can?t tell the difference. The truth? This sequence is too short for the immune system to meaningfully confuse it with placental proteins. It?s sort of like saying that you are going to be confused with a criminal because you wear a commonly sold red bracelet that was also found on the criminal. It?s not realistic. If this were true, we would also expect COVID-19 to cause early pregnancy loss a significant amount of the time. The evidence available to us does not support that this is the case. There is no reasonable basis to believe that vaccines against COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 will affect fertility. with a criminal because you wear a commonly sold red bracelet that was also found on the criminal. It?s not realistic. If this were true, we would also expect COVID-19 to cause early pregnancy loss a significant amount of the time. The evidence available to us does not support that this is the case.
There is no reasonable basis to believe that vaccines against COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 will affect fertility.