Anonym (Werthers) skrev 2024-04-16 16:26:28 följande:
Det är ett problem med våld mot kvinnor, manligt kön är en faktor i det hela. Däremot finns olika orsaker eller nyanser naturligtvis. Det hoppas jag alla förstår. Tror ingen uppfattar "mäns våld mot kvinnor" som att alla män misshandlar kvinnor" (men en del korkade agitatörer verkar vilja att det ska uppfattas så)
Det är ju därför man inte kan skylla allt på invandrare (dvs flytta bort problematiken) för då innebär det också att allt det andra våldet ska mörkas.
Enligt feministisk pseudovetenskap, där kvinnor alltid får frikort finns det två faktorer män och patriarkat så det är samma strukturer i alla kulturer, det innebär mörkläggande i alla lägen.
Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam
Yasmine Mohammed
The Internet is full of YouTube videos of children being viciously attacked in madrasas. Girls getting grabbed by the hair and being pulled to the ground for not wearing hijab (head covers), boys being whipped and kicked as they fall to the ground. The abuse I endured, as barbaric as it was, is light in comparison to stories I?ve heard. A girl in Somalia told me of how her mother poured hot oil down her brother?s throat (as he was tied to a bed), and the siblings were forced to watch.
Daily, as I massaged her feet, she would tell me how I had ruined her life. How I wasn?t supposed to be born. How she wished I'd never been born. How I brought her nothing but heartache. How my existence caused her nothing but misery. How she would never be able to be rid of me, either, because no man would ever take me off her hands. How I was fat and ugly and unworthy of anyone?s love. It was an IV drip of poison that never slowed.
Many years later when I got involved in activism, I noticed a very common thread. A lot of us girls had been psychologically abused by our mothers. A woman who has no control over her life craves control. There are very few outlets where that control is acceptable. In her immediate family, she cannot exert control over her husband or her son, but her daughter is fair game. All of her aggressions and frustrations are released in that one direction.
Since, according to Hadith, Heaven is at the feet of mothers, mothers will get to determine if their children will burn in Hell for eternity or not. That is a lot of power to wield over a child. That power can have tragic results in the hands of an abusive mother. She can abuse the status and use it to control and manipulate. You must be an obedient slave to get her affection, support, approval, and, most importantly, to get into Heaven one day. She can revoke her "blessing" at any point, keeping you in line for perpetuity.
In our home, I was the cat. It was as if my mother took sadistic pleasure in torturing me. It satisfied some pathological need in her. And, unfortunately, she was not alone. In speaking with other ex-Muslim women, I discovered that this pattern of behaviour was remarkably common. Some Saudi Arabian women told me about how their mothers would lock them in a room for months. This is extraordinarily easy to do in a country like Saudi Arabia, where there is no protection for girls who are being abused. Another woman told me of how, after she escaped to the United States and started dating an American man, she slipped and fell and started to bleed where she had scraped herself. Her boyfriend came running, and she flinched. She expected him to yell at her, to tell her how stupid she was, and ask her why she's so clumsy and why she can't walk straight. She was taken aback when his first words were, "Are you okay?" That was not the response she was accustomed to hearing.