Smil skrev 2018-07-29 00:28:16 följande:
Tror inte på ett ord av vad du säger. Du säger att läkarna tog sin tid att prata med dig. Om du inte kan Polska så vet jag inte hur du har kunnat kommunicera med dom. Nää du, dom är bara okunniga, pengar törstiga bedragare. Min läkare, i Sverige, sa till mig att jag inte var redo för en transfer, hinnan såg inte bra ut, hade inte 3 lager, men Invimed gjorde transfern ändå... såklart utan positivt resultat.
I don?t care about your opinion. Dr?s who works at Invimed are good . I have friends , who have child now, other who are pregnant they also get treatment at Invimed and they hade no problem in higher recommend Invimed. And not everyone likes to write on familjliv, special if they know that, they are going to answer questions to someone as you. Please get some help. You probably need it.
So now you change your accusations?!
I?m not a liar ???? anymore!? How do you know that I?m not a liar, dear ?!
Dr Rogoza ?! He?s very nice and kind man, who has a lot lot of experience, clever, kind, generous & inteligente ????.
Dr. Beata !?
I never have seen some, who haves som much kindness as her, and ofcourse she is clever & inteligente as well.
Agnieszka, Invimed coordinator, she has always treat me good, with kindness, respect and compassion,
and I haven?t noticed any kind of changed after I gave make payment, as some people say .
Please get some life ????, go out and get happy, bcz long time treatment, really can cause some problems in your brains ????.
What?s happened Smil ?
Just because we haven?t get pregnant ????, we
don?t have any right to behavior as you are ? Give prove that I?m a liar, pleaseeeee ????????!!!!
What?s your problem, lady who knows everything?
Are you the one who owns the key for happiness!?
Please explain for me why you are so afraid ???? accept that I?m telling the true. Bcz you?re so right or not!?.
Maybe I have a print machine in my house and my papper is not real !? Bcz you are some kind of God, who decide what is or how life it ?
Oh by the way Smil, do you know that you can also order a translate at Invimed, if you want!? And it will not cost you nothing.
Cheers ????