16 aug. 2017
The "alt left" and alt right are racial collectivists who despise each other for picking the wrong side, but they both despise liberalism more.
Everyone?s a Nazi
January 28, 2017
Alt-Left Insanity: Let?s Punch Nazis and, BTW, Everyone?s a Nazi
Poor Mike Godwin. Godwin is the creator of ?Godwin?s Law.? It started as a guide to online discussions, making it clear that the longer a debate went on, the more likely someone was to invoke Hitler or Nazis. The rule grew to include the idea that such a statement ended the debate and the first person to Hitler lost.
14 August 2017
Mike Godwin: Man who devised internet Hitler law says, 'Call these Charlottesville s***heads Nazis' | The Independent
The man who pointed out that everyone compares everything to Nazis says it's OK to call
alt-right protestors Nazis.
Some have added an extra part: as soon as someone is called a Nazi, they are probably wrong.
14 August 2017
Deadly lies: What REALLY happens when the Left smears conservatives as Nazis
What is happening in the media, what the Democrats are undertaking, is a morally reprehensible smear campaign by the Left to equate conservatives with the neo-Nazi, white-supremacist Alt-?Right.? The Left is dishonestly labeling conservatives as terrorists, accusing us of inciting the violence in Charlottesville and elsewhere. It surfaced last week with conservative commentator Dana Loesch and the NRA, and now they?ve come for the rest of us.
As these falsehoods are spread by the three-inch fools looking to score cheap political points by widening the divisions the country, conservatives must respond with an unmistakable moral clarity.
14 August 2017
WTF MSM!? Nazi flags, commie flags & the the Left's silencing
The double standard ?
Glorifying communists ? Both Nazis and communists are wrong and ideologies that should not be tolerated in this country. Except in most of the media, communists get a pass ? and they shouldn?t.
Before what happened in Charlottesville, The Atlantic writer Peter Beinart took a deep dive into ?The Rise of the Violent Left? and how the violent Left is giving oxygen to neo-Nazis and other radical groups on the opposite side
17 August 2017
Ian Collins: Stop Calling Everyone Nazis - LBC
Ian Collins is sick of everyone who disagrees with others' opinions being called Nazis.
19 August 2017
When everyone?s a Nazi, nobody is
Over the past half-century, there has been a concerted effort by the Left to paint mainstream conservatives as fascists.
21 August 2017
?In today?s world if you aren?t far left, you?re seen as Nazi? ? RT Op-Edge
When an academic event was axed by a Canadian university after pressure from left-wing activists who believed it was giving a platform to fascists, one of the sponsors RT spoke to says the label 'Nazi' is being applied to anyone the far-left don't like.
21 August 2017
Today in conservative media: Stop calling us Nazis, you Nazis!
21 August 2017
Nazi-Hunting Fantasies Have Further Unhinged The Left
After Charlottesville, the Left's tendency to smear anyone who disagrees with them as a Nazi is spiraling to the point of paranoid insanity.
21 August 2017
If You Condemn Antifa, Are You Excusing Neo-Nazism? | Daily Wire
Very few Americans stand in favor of Nazism, and the Left's game of broadening out the label "Nazi sympathizer" is merely a political ploy. Antifa is evil. So is Nazism.