Trump som president :( vad händer nu?
Verkar ju tyvärr som Att Trump blir president. Hur kommer detta påverka världen och Sverige?
Verkar ju tyvärr som Att Trump blir president. Hur kommer detta påverka världen och Sverige?
Man behöver inte trolla Trump, han är alltid extremt lättkränkt.
Och det räcker man inte klappar han medhårs när han har fel och ljuger, vilket iofs är ofta.
Vet en del blir trollade hos vänstern, men känns som en väldigt liten sak.
Och poänglöst i sammanhanget.
Jul 5, 2017
RUSH: Hey, let me ask you a question, folks. How many people over the course of your life, over the course of the recent past, months, years, how many people do you know that constantly complain about the media? Everybody, right? Everybody?s always complaining about the media. So over this past weekend I had somebody say, ?Do you believe what Trump is doing to CNN??
I said, ?What do you mean what Trump is doing to CNN? It?s not what Trump is doing to CNN. It?s what CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post are doing to Trump!?
I think it was last week or the week before, I forget which, but I openly stated on this program that we are witnessing the decline and eventual demise of CNN. And that statement was picked up by several in the Drive-By Media, and panels were assembled to discuss my premise. ?Do you really think,? it was asked on Fox News, ?do you really think this could be the end of CNN?? It is the end of CNN.
CNN is being accused of blackmailing a pro-Trump Reddit user for posting things it didn?t like - Vox
Late on Tuesday, CNN posted an article about the Reddit user behind a wrestling GIF that President Donald Trump recently tweeted, showing the president attacking a man with a CNN logo for a head
CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.
CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.
Tuesday 27 June 2017
'Fake news': Trump tweets glee as three CNN journalists resign over Russia story | Media | The Guardian
On Tuesday, around 6.30am ET, Trump tweeted in response: ?Wow, CNN had to retract big story on ?Russia,? with 3 employees forced to resign. What about all the other phony stories they do? FAKE NEWS!?
The president then retweeted a tweet from a ?clickbaiter & #FakeNews debunker?, featuring the CNN logo altered to read ?FNN: Fake News Network?.
Donald Trump ?ignored little boy in wheelchair when he tried to shake hands?
(J.K. Rowling hakade på)
But her tweets sparked a backlash when others pointed out that Trump had initially spoken to the boy and shaken his hand when he first walked into the White House?s Blue Room on Monday to give a statement on healthcare.
The full clip shows him greet the boy and also shows Vice President Mike Pence stop and shake his hand as they leave the room
A secretive group is posting memes across the internet to try and win the election for Donald Trump.
The group came to mass attention when it emerged that they were being funded by Palmer Luckey, the maker of the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset and Facebook employee. But it is just the latest example of what the group refers to explicitly as ?shitposting? in the 2016 election ? what might be the first Presidential vote decided in part by memes.
The group is called Nimble America and appears to have been founded precisely to ?shitpost? ? on the internet, where the phenomenon began, but also in real life.
The People's Republic of Kekistan or Kekistan is a sovereign nation populated by shitposters. It was founded in late January of 2017 by Sargon of Akkad and friends, including @RepublicOfKek and @AdminPepe.
The people of Kekistan are called Kekistanis and they worship the Internet meme and symbol, Pepe, as the prophet of the god of meme magic, Kek.
They are currently at war with the imperialist nations of Cuckistan and Normistan, who have forced many of them out of their land. Some Kekistanis now seek refuge in other countries so they may spread their memes everywhere.
?Don?t feed the trolls? remains indispensable guidance for the internet, if only because trolls exist solely to get a reaction out of you. Ignore them and they lose all power. But the most fiendish trolls are evolving from weekend anglers who occasionally reel people in to Deadliest Catch-level professionals using bait so effective that people can?t seem to help biting.
These master baiters represent the so-called alt-right, the meme-fluent arm of American white nationalism. Even as their memes morph into militaristic propaganda, this loosely organized troll army inhabiting extremist corners of social media, 4chan, and Reddit has adopted a new tactic: claiming mundane objects like milk, the peace symbol, and the LGBTQ flag as symbols of white supremacy. Every reappropriation provides another reminder that a troll?s greatest strength lies in weaponizing your anger.
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Conspiracy theorists always see secret symbols and gestures. President Obama and Women?s March organizer Linda Sarsour regularly make the one-finger ISIS salute. Beyoncé?s hand gestures announce her membership in the Illuminati. But the alt-right turned this upside down, then inside out: Rather than accuse other people of secretly communicating an evil agenda, seed the idea that you?re doing it.
Hur tror du att reaktionerna skulle bli om det svenska justitiedepartementet hade bett att få namnen på alla som skriver på exempelvis familjeliv för att få tag i några motdemonstranter som stört ordningen vid ett tal av Stefan Löfven?
Nu är det inga dödsdömda mördare, och en kritisk granskning av skeendet.
En del är så extremt lättkränkta, att de inbillar sig KKK är nått bra.
KKK har förtjänat vart enda negativa de har på sig.
Sen pratar vi om Trump om jag inte missminner mig, och inser detta är bra ett sidospår för ta fokus ifrån han.
Och nu läser man att KKK-ledare är glad hon är död, så punkt slut.
loL, han säger true rasist are antirasist, ROFL.
Sen kan jag hålla med att de är precis lika korkade som dessa KKK, men det var nog det dummaste man hört.
Hur tror du att reaktionerna skulle bli om det svenska justitiedepartementet hade bett att få namnen på alla som skriver på exempelvis familjeliv för att få tag i några motdemonstranter som stört ordningen vid ett tal av Stefan Löfven?