• Lilith74

    Svenskar på Irland del V

    Ny tråd för oss svenskar bosatta på Irland. Välkomna in på craic agus ceol (vad jag nu ska få den ifrån )

  • Svar på tråden Svenskar på Irland del V
  • solobad

    irrajks sambo,
    The infrastructure is much much better than it was 10 years ago so I can't see that as an excuse.
    Irish drivers drive a car without ANY test whatsoever (there was also an amnesty here a couple of years back which means many drivers don't have a license at all...as you know). This and the fact that Irish drivers aren't used to big motorways means that there are many accidents.
    Irish drivers don't stop at all for pedestrians but sure that is probably because there are extremely few zebra crossings in the first place. Maybe they would stop if there were zebra crossings...
    Irish drivers park facing against the traffic (i.e the other way around) even though it is illegal but hey,who is going to stop them.
    Irish drivers don't know how to merge onto a motorway. Getting there before anybody else is what counts.
    Irish drivers drive using their mobile phone even though it has been made illegal...

    And honestly, why would anybody make up a story ??? Just to get back at the Irish.?

    I have been driving a car in Sweden for 18 years myself and sure, there are some bad drivers in Sweden too but I much rather be a pedestrian in Sweden that IReland.

  • irrajk

    Here we go, proof that Swedes can't take critisism about Sweden from outsiders. Nowhere in my post do I say that ALL Irish drivers are perfect, I know full well that there are morons driving in Ireland, read my last post again properly and you will see that. Furthermore I am not making any excuses for Irish people, I failed my driving test in Ireland first time because I was inexperienced driving cars at the time ( though I had been driving Motorcycles for many years before that ). I thought I did well, but the tester was not satisfied. My parents were both tested in Ireland and drive about 300km per week and drive very well, without running people over or any such tripe. I admit that there was issues with the Irish driving license system and how it has been implemented in the past, but the Government and the IRSA are currently revising that. I don't know why you are lying about this, nor do I care, in my opinion some people just choose to exagerate the truth. I don't believe you because it doesn't make sense to me... you are saying; you were driving along the road, your car was struck by a lorry and you did nothing? Then on another occasion a driver pushed you into the middle of a road from a side road using his car and again you did nothing? I asked a reserved, quiet Swedish lady in her 40s, who I would imagine would be easily shocked in such a scenario, what she would do in this case. She imediately said she would dial 999, you did't, why not? I really didn't want to get into this with you, but what the hey... If Irish drivers are unable to drive on Motorways, how come, for the last three years, I can trapes up and down the E4 to Stockholm almost weekly without ever being involved in an accident? I have driven in other parts of Europe on Motorways eg. Germany, Holland, Denmark and UK. I will admit that I got a speeding fine in Denmark, just outside Koge, but I paid the fine and that was it. I know several Irish people who have driven all over Europe and USA without any problem using the Motorways. I do break the speed limit, in Ireland and other countries while on the Motorway, but I don't ram my car into slower drivers, nobody does that, you'd be insane to do something so retarded. I like Sweden, it's great fun, it is an amazing, and it has great Motocross, but I noticed since I first got here that many drivers are shite. Almost daily since getting here I see pedestrian in fear of being run over by thoughtless Swedes hurrying along to Ikea in their SAABs and Volvo's, it's a fact plain and simple.

    Jag kommer från Irland du kan skriva på engelska till mig, tack!

  • solobad

    irrajks sambo,
    about taking critiscism, I guess it takes one to know one....

    Also, I didn't get hit by the truck so I don't know why you're attacking me with this and say that I'm lying...Maybe you should check your facts....

    Maybe you can drive on motorways, but Irish drivers in general, can't. They can't merge onto it. They drive too fast and tractors go on motorways more often than you want to hear about...

    And in what language did I write to you - I get confused...

  • solobad

    lilla mej, hur gick det med katterna?

  • irrajk

    My Swedish comment was to the person who asked why we were posting in English, the comment was not for you.

    Okay, I actually thought it was you who made your comments further back in the thread about the lorry incident. My Swedish is not very good and I did not put a name with the post, just saw red... I still retain my opinion on the other incident you mentioned, if someone ran your car into the middle of the road, why didn't you call the police?

    So I'm 37 years of age, there are probably hundreds of thousands of Irish men and women in my age group that hold full Irish driving licenses and you are telling me that in your opinion none of them can drive on a Motorway? I can tell you that notion is preposterous - get a grip on yourself woman!

    I was driving on the main Kalmar to Halmstad motorway yesterday and what was there rolling along the hard shoulder at about 30km/h? Yes a big stupid looking tractor!

    I'm starting to think that this discussion is getting too Childish for my liking, tit for tat and all that rubbish, boo.

    I would like to retract my statement that ALL Swedish drivers are shite, that is not true, I have many Swedish friends that I have great respect for and it would be an insult to them to " tar them with the one brush ". I have observed some of the most selfish arrogance/ignorance from Swedish drivers, for example, there is a pedestrian crossing on a road between a Hospital out patient department and a train station near where I live. On Friday I was third in line approching the crossing when a frail old dear stepped onto the kirb, niether driver in front of me stopped for the woman depite the fact that she was ready to cross when the first car was over 100 meters away. When I stopped, I had to signal to her with my hand it was ok to cross, she had a look of fear in her eyes, I've witness this type of scenario almost daily in Sweden. I look at some Swedish papers and news reports and every time I do there is some major crash going on, some paediofile doing evil crap to a child, some priest brain washing the community into thinking that Homosexuality is the work of the devil, based on this I could make all sorts of claims about Sweden on a " Irish fathers abroad " discussion forum. But that would be very simple minded of me, these things happen all over the world, unfortunately, but I would just be insulting the millions of Swedes out there that are cool, nice folks!

    Also,if Ireland is such a shite place for you, why don't you return to Sweden. Over the years I've lived in some countries I didn't like, so I left.

  • solobad

    irraks sambo: a small correction...in my last statement,it shouldn't be Irish drivers in general but instead quite a few Irish drivers can't drive on motorways. Some Irish drivers can drive...

  • lilla mej

    the population in sweden is 9.x million and we hav about 440 road deaths per anum. Sweden have the hard winter and wild animals that is a big cause to road accidents. So far this year in Ireland there has been 340 people killed on Irish roads, and the population here is only 3.x million. You will find bad drivers every where, and I´m not sayin that all Irish divers are bad drivers but what´s wrong here is that you dont even have to have a driverslicens to drive here...... and if you dont know how to drive you ARE a bad driver and a big danger to others. For example my boss have been driving for 10 years and still havent got her drivings licens, and she has been in 2 accidents ( her self and her doughter was in hospital for a long period of time . Her son now 19 has no driverslicens and has crashed 2 cars (no injuries thank god) and they are still driving leagely no problem!!!

    It´s not that we can´t take critisism, but it´s a fact that Ireland have hig numbers of traffic accidents and sweden has less accidents now than ever.

    Exuse my bad english....

  • lilla mej

    solobad: Ingen rolig historia, en kväll såg vi en stor fet räv sitta och smaska i sig kattmaten jag ställt ut. Sen dess har vi inte sett kattungarna. Vet inte vad som hände men man kan ju gissa varför räven var så fet...

  • lilla mej

    irrajk: ehheeh är du svensk eller irländsk? Du säger här att du är irländsk men i din presentation att du är svensk? Har jag missat något

Svar på tråden Svenskar på Irland del V