Padirac skrev 2024-09-21 06:32:58 följande:
De konservativa vill ju ofta förbjuda sexualundervisning, och en del vill till och med förhindra till gång till preventivmedel.
Democratic and Republican parents both support comprehensive sex education in schools.
The evidence shows that support for sex education is bipartisan. It surprised me a bit to see that there wasn?t much disagreement about what topics should be covered. For instance, most Republican and Democratic parents said that abstinence should be included in sex ed, but also that comprehensive sex ed is much more popular among parents than abstinence-only sex ed.
I was also surprised that support from Republican parents for sex ed is even strong in the deep South, in red states like Louisiana and North Carolina, and even from those who are strongly religious.
More than 93 percent of parents place high importance on sex education in both middle and high school. Sex education in middle and high school is widely supported by parents regardless of their political affiliation.
Democrats are more likely than those that identified as Republicans to support the inclusion of the topics of healthy relationships, birth control, STDs, and sexual orientation in both middle and high school. However, a strong majority of Republican parents want all these topics included in sex education. Sex education which includes a broad set of topics represents an area of strong agreement between parents of both political parties.