Vi som gör äggdonation hösten/vintern 2013/2014
Lelle; vad får du för ordination från din klinik? Ang det orala progestoronet Utrogest, bioidentiskt, så funkar det tydligen utmärkt för oss från kliniken i Riga, de som blivit gravida och sett hjärta, behåller än så länge sina graviditeter och har tom fasat ut piller och är numera självförsörjande.
Ett klipp från en vet.artikel där jmf mellan utrogestan - crinone gjorts, det finns fler som kommer till liknande slutsats:
"The pregnancy rates per transfer were not significantly different in the Crinone and Utrogestan groups at days 12 (Crinone 353%, Utrogestan 29.9%, P=0.55), 30 (Crinone 28.8%, Utrogestan 25.0%, P= 0.61) and 90 (Crinone 25.9%, Utrogestan 22.9%, P= 0.69). No differences in the spontaneous abortion rates were seen thereafter. The delivery rates (number of deliveries per patient; Crinone 23.0%, Utrogestan 22.2%, P= 1.00), as well as the ratio of newborn babies per embryo transferred (Crinone 11.7%, Utrogestan 11.1%, P=0.91), were not significantly different. Safety parameters were similar in both groups, except for drowsiness, which was more significantly frequent in the oral progesterone group than in the Crinone group at all time points. No serious adverse events were recorded in this study. The fact that Crinone matches the efficacy of the larger doses of progesterone used orally reflects an advantage of the transvaginal route of administration which avoids the metabolic inactivation of progesterone during its first liver pass."