Regeringens el-fiasko
I fredags var elen 1600 procent dyrare i södra Sverige jämfört med norra.
Enligt Löfvén har elöverskottet aldrig varit större. Vilken sopa. Nu kommer den elkris som oppositionen varnade för. Total oförmåga att se helheten.
I fredags var elen 1600 procent dyrare i södra Sverige jämfört med norra.
Enligt Löfvén har elöverskottet aldrig varit större. Vilken sopa. Nu kommer den elkris som oppositionen varnade för. Total oförmåga att se helheten.
The power price is determined by the balance between supply and demand. Factors such as the weather or power plants not producing to their full capacity can impact power prices.
Today, there is general agreement among politicians and other stakeholders that this model serves society well. While the price of power is determined according to supply and demand, it also becomes clear where there are issues in the grid when the price of power goes up. This makes it easier to identify where production or capacity is lacking, as there is too high demand compared to production supply.
The Nordic countries deregulated their power markets in the early 1990s and brought their individual markets together into a common Nordic market. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania deregulated their power markets, and joined the Nord Pool market in 2010-2013.
The term ?deregulation? means that the state is no longer running the power market, and instead that free competition is introduced. Deregulation was undertaken to create a more efficient market, with exchange of power between countries and increased security of supply. Available power capacity can be used more efficiently in a large region compared to a small one, and integrated markets enhance productivity and improve efficiency.
Now that transmission capacity and coupling is in place between the Nordic countries, the European continent and the Baltics, the power market covers large parts of Europe. This means that power from many different sources ? hydro, thermal, nuclear, wind and solar ? enters the grid. This ensures a more ?liquid? market, where large volumes are traded daily, and a more secure power supply.
Financial contracts are used for price hedging and risk management. The contracts have a time horizon up to ten years, covering daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual contracts. The system price calculated by Nord Pool is used as the reference price for the financial market in the Nordic region.
There is no physical delivery for financial power market contracts. Cash settlement takes place throughout trading ? and/or the delivery period, starting at the due date of each contract, depending on whether the product is a future.
Technical conditions such as grid congestion and access to capacity are not taken into consideration when entering financial contracts. However, with the help of the financial power market, buyers and sellers can manage the risks associated to the physical market prices.
Nord Pool AS
Tel. +47 6710 9100
P.O. Box 121
1325 Lysaker, Norway"
The power market has an advanced trading pattern with many actors involved: system operators, producers, distributors, traders, brokers, clearing companies, financial analysts etc.
360 customers from 20 countries trade in the Nord Pool markets and our customers are typically power producers, suppliers and traders. Large end-users also trade on the markets and buy power directly through Nord Pool rather than through a supplier.
A system operator is responsible for an area to be electrically stable, and for the security of supply in his area.
The system operators have the responsibility for both the security of supply and the high-voltage grid (the transmission grid).
There are more than 370 companies responsible for power production in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
In a year with normal rain and snow fall, hydro power accounts for half of the Nordic countries? electricity demand.
In Norway almost all power is generated by hydro power while Sweden and Finland have a mixture of hydro, nuclear and thermal power (steam driven). Denmark uses predominantly thermal power, but wind power is becoming increasingly important. In Estonia and Lithuania there is mostly thermal driven power. In dry years, Nordic countries become more dependent on the import of power from other countries: Russia, Estonia, Netherlands, Poland and Germany.
Production cost varies. Hydro is the cheapest power source. A low level in the hydro reservoirs will mean producers use more expensive sources which will result in a higher production cost.
There are around 500 distribution companies in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
A distributor ensures that power reaches the end-user. Power is transmitted from the power plant through the central grid and the transmission net to the end-user.
There are around 380 companies supplying Nordic and Baltic end-users of power.
A supplier buys power either directly from a producer, or through Nord Pool. In general, a supplier then resells it to small and medium-sized companies and households.
There is high competition between energy suppliers within each country. Each end-user chooses their preferred supplier and makes a choice between different power contracts. Different types of contracts might be: fixed price contract, market price contract, etc. At present end-users cannot choose a supplier from another country.
A trader represents the entity which owns the power while the trading process is taking place. For example, the trader may buy power from a producer and sell it to a retailer, or the trader may choose to buy power from one retailer and sell it to another retailer. There are many routes from the producer to the end-user.
Brokers play the same role in the power market as estate agents do in the property market. A broker does not own power, but instead acts as an intermediary. A retailer may, for example, ask the broker to find a producer who will sell a given amount of power at a given time.
An end-user of power is either a company or a private household. Every end-user pays for the power consumed to the supplier, he pays for the power transmission to the distributor and he pays taxes. An end-user can choose among a big range of suppliers while he has only one choice with regard to the transmission operator or distributor. Every geographical area has one distributor responsible for the network transmission."
"Regeringen styr Sverige och är drivande i arbetet med att förändra våra lagar, och påverkar på så vis utvecklingen i vårt samhälle. Sveriges regering består av en statsminister och 21 ministrar.
Det samhällsfarliga Miljöpartiet bör framöver kallas Miljöförstörarpartiet för att inte ge en missvisande bild.
Oljekraftverket i Karlshamn bränner ca 140 000 liter olja i timmen under sensommar/höst som en direkt följd deras korkade och verklighetsfrånvända politik. Hur blir situationen om vi får en kall vinter?
Det samhällsfarliga Miljöpartiet bör framöver kallas Miljöförstörarpartiet för att inte ge en missvisande bild.
Oljekraftverket i Karlshamn bränner ca 140 000 liter olja i timmen under sensommar/höst som en direkt följd deras korkade och verklighetsfrånvända politik. Hur blir situationen om vi får en kall vinter?
Det du kritiserar är överhuvudtaget inte kopplat till något som Miljöpartiet gjort. Uniper startade upp Karlshamnsverket och brände olja för att göra sig en hacka. Det fanns inget behov att köra Karlshamnsverket (Sverige/SE4 exporterade el samtidigt som verket körde).
Ska man rikta ilskan mot något håll bör den riktas mot den som valde att köra Karlshamnsverket alternativt rikta ilskan mot att det var lönsamt att producera el av olja i detta läge.
Det du kritiserar är överhuvudtaget inte kopplat till något som Miljöpartiet gjort. Uniper startade upp Karlshamnsverket och brände olja för att göra sig en hacka. Det fanns inget behov att köra Karlshamnsverket (Sverige/SE4 exporterade el samtidigt som verket körde).
Ska man rikta ilskan mot något håll bör den riktas mot den som valde att köra Karlshamnsverket alternativt rikta ilskan mot att det var lönsamt att producera el av olja i detta läge.
Vad svamlar du om?
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