Trump som president :( vad händer nu?
Att du uppfattar detta som att "skydda" Trump säger en del om hur det verkligen var.
Trumps installationstal:
Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are the just and reasonable demands of a righteous public.
But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of knowledge; and the crime and gangs and drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.
This American carnage stops RIGHT HERE and stops RIGHT NOW. We are one nation – and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams; and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.
Förre CIA-chefen Brennan är djupt sorgsen och förargad över Donald Trumps avskyvärda uppvisande av självförhärligande framför CIA:s minnesmonument över myndighetens hjältar. Brennan säger att Trump borde skämmas.
Nu händer bland anant det att liberalerna i USA har svårt att fokusera på sitt eget. Vilket kan ta dem vart som helt det långa loppet.
Thatcher är Trumps verkliga förebild. Varför den amerikanska vänstern/de liberala/Demokraterna riskerar att försvinna bort från politikens centrum och minska i betydelse:
"Furthermore, the address represented a direct threat to the value system of the left. In this head-on challenge to power and ideology, Trump resembles Thatcher far more than Reagan.
Reagan was focused on breaking the power of the Soviet Union, not breaking the power of political correctness and the elite media that has increasingly dominated the United States. They were frightened of Reagan, but they weren’t enraged by him.
Trump is a direct, mortal threat to both the power structure and the ideology of the left. The left knows it and is responding just as the British left wing responded to Thatcher.
The left in Britain became so unhinged with its bitter hostility that it kept drifting further and further out of the mainstream. The term “loony left” became a common description of the Labour Party in the 1987 election.
Today, the hysteria of the American left as the Elizabeth Warren-George Soros wing talks only to its own partisans is becoming increasingly bizarre. Think about the optics of last weekend’s anti-Trump marchers, with their vulgarity and dreams of blowing up the White House. This sort of rhetoric repels most Americans.
Like Thatcher, Trump is similarly focused on destroying the moral legitimacy of the left and breaking the power of the lobbyist and bureaucratic establishment in Washington. His actions thus far in office, including steps to restore the rule of law in immigration and move forward with vital energy infrastructure projects, have been consistent with these goals.
It is no accident that May will be the first foreign leader to meet with Trump. The president instinctively wants a much closer alliance with Britain. Where President Barack Obama warned that voting for Brexit would put Britain at the back of the line, Trump believes the vote for Brexit puts Britain at the front of the line. Britain may have had more riding on the outcome of the U.S. election than any other foreign country.
Those who fear Trump’s protectionism might note that one of his first goals is to begin working on a bilateral agreement with Britain (which may become a trilateral agreement if the Canadians are invited in). This is a much more sophisticated president than his critics believe."
- Muren är påbörjad.
- Ökade restriktioner i invandringen är påbörjade.
- Uppsägningen av diverse handelsavtal är påbörjad.
- Samtal om bilaterala avtal är påbörjade.
- Nedmonteringen av ObamaCare är påbörjad.
Bland annat.
Och detta bara under första veckan av hans presidentskap.
Han håller helt enkelt sina vallöften.
Antalet olagliga röster i presidentvalet handlar om miljontals:
Ingen vet förstås exakt hur många olagliga röster som avlades men de beräkningar som gjort utifrån tidigare val visar att bara vad gäller illegala invandrare som röstar så handlar det om runt en miljon, med majoriteten för demokraternas kandidat.
Tillkommer den typ av valfusk där folk röstar med avlidnas identiteter, folk röstar flera gånger och folk röstar i flera olika stater.
Bara risken att olagliga röster kan få en delstat där det är jämt att svänga si eller så borde få alla demokratiska institutioner på fötterna.
Att Trump beordrat en utredning av valfusket är förstås utmärkt.
Nästa steg vore sådant som striktare lagar kring registrering och obligatoriskt foto-ID för att minska möjligheterna till valfusk.