finee skrev 2018-12-08 12:06:40 följande:
Minns inte! Gissningsvis här i tråden eller på typ fertilityfriend. Läste ENORMT mkt på massa olika ställen sommaren innan jag åkte till Aten. Så det jag säger är väl värt ingenting om det ställs krav på referenser

Kanske du läste det i här i Agathes EAQ?
Cytokine ratio (TH1:TH2) test
What is the cytokine ratio test?
This is a blood test done by various labs in the US including RFU Chicago. It is a measure of the ratio of chemical messengers to each other. TH1 cytokines are associated with the cellular parts of the immune system. TH2 with antibody (humoral) immune activation TH2. RFU measures the cytokines TNFa and IFNg compared to IL10 inside CD3+CD4+ white cells (cells which make a lot of cytokines) in the blood. Higher ratios have been shown to be associated with a lower chance of live birth and are common in many inflammatory conditions (e.g., Crohns, IBS, arthritis, asthma), in cases where there is a DQalpha match and/or elevated NK activity. They may also be elevated under chronic stress or when you have an infection. Beer described the TH1 cytokines as promoting aggression against the body and pregnancy and TH2 cytokines as promoting tolerance against foreign cells (so simplistically he saw high TNFa:IL10 or IFNg:IL10 as unfavourable for fertility and describing a situation which was high in inflammation and usually associated with increased NK cell activity). However, in some autoantibody driven conditions like asthma, dermatitis and rhinitis TH2 cytokines like IL4 and IL13 may be very dominant compared to IFNg (TH1) which can also be described as an inflammatory state, but low TH1:TH2. More recently, there has been a tendency to classify TNFalpha as a TH17 rather than TH1 (although its always classified as pro-inflammatory).
In the RFU and Millenova test, the cytokines are measured in intracellularly (in the cytoplasm of CD4 white cells in the blood). In some of the RIC tests and tests elsewhere, the cytokines are measured in free serum. Intracellular tests require fresh, live white cells (which need to be couriered to the laboratory within 48 hours of blood draw) whereas serum tests can use samples of serum that are centrifuged and preserved so they can be used on samples that are older and have been posted. The different methods of testing at different labs does mean that the normal ranges for tests differ greatly between different labs.
Please explain my cytokine ratio test results?
In the RFU tests there will usually be two ratios: TNFalpha to Interleukin 10; and Interferon gamma to Interleukin 10
e.g., TNF-a:IL10 (CD3+CD4+) 38.3
IFN-g:IL10 (CD3+CD4+) 10.9
The TNFalpha ratio is usually seen as more important for fertility and at RFU Chicago anything over 30.6 is elevated. Values over 40 are fairly high. Values over 50 are very high. For tests run at other laboratories, the normal range may be very different. Some labs have started measuring another cytokine, IL17. High IL17 seems to be associated with diminished immunoregulation and may also be proinflammatory.
How is the cytokine ratio test different to a TNFa measurement test?
Apparently, TNFa is very difficult to measure accurately, but measuring the ratio of one cytokine to another is supposed to be more accurate. Most immune fertility doctors therefore prefer to use the ratio test rather than the absolute TNFa measurement.
What are the sample requirements for the cytokine ratio test at RFU Chicago?
30-40mls of blood collected in green top (lithium heparin additive) tubes ? mixed well before posting (tubes rolled end over end about 10 times). Not refrigerated. Must be received by RFU within 48 hours of blood being drawn during working hours. You can have the blood drawn at TDL (on Wimpole St, two doors from Dr Gorgy) or you can arrange to get a post pack from Dr Gorgy/TDL and have the blood drawn at your GP (or local hospital) on Monday/Tuesday afternoon and then post it back to TDL special delivery before 9am so that they add it to their fedex pick up on Tuesday/Wednesday in time to get it to Chicago within 48 hours.
How long does it take to get the results of the cytokine ratio test back?
About three days after it is received in Chicago. Dr Gorgy?s patients will need to phone the clinic to ask for a copy of the results (by fax/post).
What are the treatment options for high TNFa ratio?
ARGC and Dr Gorgy prefer to use Humira (plus steroids and IVIg and/or intralipids), particularly if the ratio is very high. Dr Sher doesn?t advocate Humira ? only steroids and intralipids. In my personal opinion, if elevated TNFa is associated with elevated NK activity, then it seems logical that it may well respond to intralipids as suppressing NK activity seems likely to reduce any associated TNFa. However, if TNFa is elevated in the absence of elevated NKa, it is not obvious how intralipids would help, whereas Humira is specifically targeted at blocking TNFa. However, success rates at clinics that don't use humira are often very good, so for some ladies the combination of steroids plus intralipids without Humira clearly does work. Other options like resveratrol, fish body oil or pre-treatment with low dose steroids also seem to work.