Exempel på övningar du kan göra är:
"Naveln mot ryggraden" - kan du göra 24 h efter förlossningen
Syfte: förkorta och stärka Transversus som hjälper till att stabilisera ryggen. Denna övning hjälper till att tajta midjan och få tillbaka rätt hållning.
- Sitt eller stå
- Andas in och när du andas ut- sug in naveln mot ryggraden. Håll några sekunder och slappna av UTAN att magmusklerna åker utåt. Repetera så ofta du kan, du kan göra det till en rutin när du ammar ditt barn då blir övningen gjord var tredje timme.
Med tiden försök hålla naveln indragen under längre perioder men ändå fortsätta andas, magmusklerna ska inte poppa ut.
Andas in medan magmusklerna "åker utåt" och när du andas ut, dra in naveln mot ryggraden. Gör det 15-20 gånger.
Ligg på rygg, lägg armarna i kors över magen och "håll ihop" magen så att den får stöd gm att pressa ner händerna på var sida om magen. Rulla försiktigt upp i en liten "crunch".
Magövningarna är tagna från www.fitnessformammor.blogspot.com
Sen finns det en speciell teknik kallad - Tupler Technique. Hon som utformat den är expert på DR och heter Julie Tupler och har skrivit boken "Lose Your Mummy Tummy".
Här kan du läsa mer om Tupler tekniken: www.fitpregnancy.co.za/content.php
Tupler technique basics
Breathing correctly is not the only important thing to learn while exercising. It's also crucial to learn how to draw in your abdominal muscles properly before doing any activity, even just picking up baby. By drawing in your abdominals, you activate the transversus abdominis (?the transverse?), the innermost muscle that wraps around your abdomen and back like a corset. Strengthening the transverse protects your back and gives your belly a flatter appearance - and isolating the transverse is the basis of the Tupler Technique.
Here's how The transverse activates from front to back. Imagine your transverse is a sideways elevator with six floors. Take a deep breath through your nose as you expand you belly and fill your lungs. Exhale through your mouth and empty your lungs as you draw your transverse muscle back towards your spine to the ?sixth floor?. Hold this position before you do any exercise moves and/or activities such as lifting.
Här är övningarna hon utformat:
1 Elevators
Sit cross-legged with your back against a support, shoulders in line with hips, both hands on belly. Inhale, expanding your belly out to the first floor, then exhale as you bring your transverse back to the fifth floor (shown). Hold and count out loud to 30. Do 5 little squeezes toward the sixth floor, then end with 1 full breath. Repeat sequence 10 times. Strengthens abs.
2 Contractions
From Elevators, place one hand under your ribs and one below your navel (shown). Inhale, expanding your belly out to the first floor, then exhale to bring the transverse to the third floor (halfway between first and sixth), keeping your shoulders still. This is the starting position. Count aloud as you draw the transverse back to the fifth floor. Squeeze and hold, bringing ribs together. (This is 1 repetition.) Bring the transverse back to the third floor and repeat. Work up to 100 reps 3-5 times per day. Strengthens abs.
3 Standing Pelvic Tilts
Stand with your knees bent, legs hip-width apart, hands on upper thighs. Rest your weight on your arms and stick your buttocks out to flatten your back. Inhale and, as you exhale, draw your transverse in to fifth floor and pull your pubic bone towards your navel, pointing your tail bone down (shown). Hold for a count of 5, then return to the flat-back position. Do 10 tilts. Strengthens abs and stretches lower back.
4 Head Lifts
Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and close to buttocks. Inhale and expand your belly, then exhale to bring your transverse to the fifth floor, placing the small of your back on the floor (if you have a diastasis, use a splint; see ?How to Check for a Diastasis?, opposite). Lift your head only, bringing your chin towards your chest (shown). Hold your transverse in as you inhale and bring your head down to the floor and do 10 head lifts. Strengthens abs.
5 Leg Slides
Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and close to buttocks. Place one hand on your belly and the other under the small of your back, palm up. Hold your transverse in at the fifth floor, lift your feet off the ground one at a time and bring your knees up over your hips
A) Keeping your transverse in, slowly put one foot on the ground and slide your heel
until the leg is straight
B) Slowly slide your heel back towards your buttocks and then lift it up to the starting position [5a]. Switch legs. Do 15 alternating slides, 30 in total. If you can't hold your transverse in while doing the slide, wait until you feel strong enough to try this exercise. Strengthens abs.
6 Lower-Back Stretches
Lie on your back, arms straight, palms down, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and heels close to your buttocks
A) Draw your transverse in, keep your feet on the floor and roll your knees to one side. Look over the opposite shoulder as you take 15 breaths
B) Hold your transverse in and keep your feet on the floor as you draw your knees to the opposite side and repeat. Strengthens abs and stretches lower back.
Här finns en till länk om Tupler tekniken, men lite omarbetade övningar: www.fitpregnancy.com/fitness/18
Så här lyder dessa övningar:
Try to do this workout up to 3 times every day. Do the exercises in the order shown, performing 10 repetitions of each move and progressing to 20 reps when you feel strong enough.
1 BELLY BREATHING Sit on the floor with your legs crossed comfortably and your back against a support; place your hands on your belly. Without moving your back or shoulders, slowly inhale through your nose as you expand your belly. As you exhale through your mouth, draw in your abdominals, bringing your navel toward your spine [shown]. Strengthens the abdominal muscles and prepares you for the remaining exercises.
2 BELLY DANCING ON ALL FOURS From the Belly Breathing position, kneel on all fours, knees hip-width apart, wrists under shoulders, toes curled under. With a flat back, draw the abdominals up and in by bringing the navel toward the spine and hold, breathing normally. Keeping your upper back from curving, tilt your pelvis under, bringing the pubic bone toward the navel [A]. Hold and count to 5. Return to the flat-back position and repeat. When finished with the final rep, come to standing position by bringing one leg forward, foot flat on the floor, and pushing off the thigh with both hands [B]. Strengthens abdominals, back and upper body.
3 ELEVATORS Sit with your low back supported, one hand on upper belly and one on your navel [A]. Imagine your transverse is a sideways elevator with six ?floors.? Inhale and, as you exhale, draw your abs toward your spine to the fifth floor [B]. Hold and count out loud to 30. Then, do 5 squeezes from the fifth to the sixth floor. Release and repeat. Strengthens abs, especially the transverse.
4 SQUAT COMBO Hold an immovable object, feet wider than hip width [A]. Lower into a deep squat, weight in heels [B]. If heels do not touch the floor, place a towel under them. Do a Kegel and hold, counting out loud to 10. Slowly release and draw your abs in as you exhale. Remaining in squat, repeat combo 5 times, then sit down and rest. Strengthens legs, abs and pelvic-floor muscles.
To do a Kegel (note: you don?t have to be seated), squeeze and hold the muscles around the vagina as if you are stopping the flow of urine; hold for 10 seconds, breathing normally, then slowly release. Do 20 10-second holds 5 times a day.
Om du får DR när du är gravid kan du träna enligt följande länk: www.maternalfitness.com/baks_basics.pdf