AndreaBD skrev 2025-01-03 17:38:13 följande:
Jo, men man kan inte helt utesluta att folk låtsas för att de är rädda för Hamas, dvs. att de kanske visar de reaktionerna som förväntas av omgivningen.
Något förutsägbart men det är ändå betytligt fler som tycker 7e okt var helt ok än som vill att hamas ska styra. är det så rädda för hamas att ingen är ärlig
blir det bakvänt. Bör ju vara farligare att säga att de inte vill att hamas ska styra än att de gick förlångt en gång.
Gaza var redan en av de mest fruktansvärda platserna på jorden att vara barn på
Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research
Public Opinion Poll No (92)
Has Palestinians' perception of Hamas changed? want reconciliation'
Uta Steinwehr
09/18/2017September 18, 2017
There are surveys that say Hamas would win the election again if another vote were held, and there are surveys that say exactly the opposite. It's very difficult to get people to speak clearly about this. There is no freedom of expression in the Gaza Strip. My assessment, also from personal conversations, is that people are strongly critical of Hamas because it has bred a great deal of corruption in recent years, and because those who are in power in the Hamas system are doing comparatively well, whereas the population of 2 million are doing worse and worse. In that sense I really doubt that there is still support for Hamas in the Gaza Strip
Things are quite different in the West Bank. Here, the Palestinian Authority is under pressure. The people accuse it of being corrupt. Its government is also accused of becoming increasingly authoritarian, of suppressing freedom of expression and of movement, and of cooperating with Israel on security matters at the Palestinians' expense. It is quite possible that in the West Bank approval for Hamas in elections would be much higher.
Hamas is also under pressure from its own population. People in the Gaza Strip want to have freedom of movement again. They've been completely imprisoned for 10 years with no way of getting out. Even sick people have tremendous difficulty in getting permission to leave the Gaza Strip for treatment. The people want a future for their children. Unemployment is above 60 percent, the poverty rate over 80 percent. Hamas' popularity is also suffering in the face of facts like these. Hamas will have to shift, and I see that happening already.