Trump som president :( vad händer nu?
Verkar ju tyvärr som Att Trump blir president. Hur kommer detta påverka världen och Sverige?
Verkar ju tyvärr som Att Trump blir president. Hur kommer detta påverka världen och Sverige?
"by April 2016, a CNN executive officially described the channel as ?no longer a TV news network? and instead as ?a 24-hour global multi-platform network.? CNN has a left bias in reporting and sometimes uses sensational headlines. CNN typically sources its news sources. Do not confuse CNN?s talk shows with actual reporting of news. Further, they have failed numerous fact checks from Politifact. (5/16/2016) Updated (6/4/2017)"
Vänstern anser Trump är Rysslands marionettdocka, och deras vinkling är t ex att visa Trump/Trumpadministrationens koppling till Ryssland så. Jag tog en random nyhet jag kunde hitta på olika media, och se hur de vänsterlutande medierna antingen inte nämner ett antal, eller nämner ett mycket mindre antal utvisade ryska diplomater, än de hogerlutande. Att utvisa ryska diplomater går ju stick i stäv med vänsterns syn på Trump-Rysslandforhållandet.
More than 20 nations, including long-term allies like the United States, have backed Britain by together expelling more than 100 Russian diplomats.
Russia would respond in kind to the mass expulsion of diplomats by Western governments which include, apart from the United States and Britain, most member states of NATO and the European Union.
More than 20 countries have expelled Russian envoys in solidarity with the UK. Among them is the US,
Two dozen countries, including the U.S., many EU nations and NATO, have ordered more than 150 Russian diplomats out this week in a show of solidarity with Britain.
Russia had vowed retaliation after the U.S., NATO and 25 allies including Germany and France expelled more than 150 Russian diplomats this week in support of the U.K.
Vänstern anser Trump är Rysslands marionettdocka, och deras vinkling är t ex att visa Trump/Trumpadministrationens koppling till Ryssland så. Jag tog en random nyhet jag kunde hitta på olika media, och se hur de vänsterlutande medierna antingen inte nämner ett antal, eller nämner ett mycket mindre antal utvisade ryska diplomater, än de hogerlutande. Att utvisa ryska diplomater går ju stick i stäv med vänsterns syn på Trump-Rysslandforhållandet.
More than 20 nations, including long-term allies like the United States, have backed Britain by together expelling more than 100 Russian diplomats.
Russia would respond in kind to the mass expulsion of diplomats by Western governments which include, apart from the United States and Britain, most member states of NATO and the European Union.
More than 20 countries have expelled Russian envoys in solidarity with the UK. Among them is the US,
Two dozen countries, including the U.S., many EU nations and NATO, have ordered more than 150 Russian diplomats out this week in a show of solidarity with Britain.
Russia had vowed retaliation after the U.S., NATO and 25 allies including Germany and France expelled more than 150 Russian diplomats this week in support of the U.K.
"It was the strongest action that U.S. President Donald Trump had taken against Russia since coming to office. He has been criticized by Democrats and members of his own Republican Party for failing to be tough enough on Russia over U.S. allegations of Russian meddling in the U.S. electoral system, including the 2016 presidential campaign."