• Aniiee

    Ingen bryr sig om vad jag skriver. Nu slutar jag skriva!

    Jag skriver och skriver och skriver. Jag gör fan aldrig annat. Ja, ok, när jag inte sover, eller spelar..... men annars! Jag måste skriva hundratals ord om dagen, om inte tusentals. Men INGEN bryr sig. Alla mest bara klappar mig på huvudet och säger "du är så duktig". JAG VET!!!!! JAG ÄR BÄST! INGEN SKRIVER BÄTTRE ÄN JAG!(obs! ironi) Det är inte det jag vill höra. Jag vill ha kritik. Jag vill UTVECKLAS. Jag vill veta vad jag gör för FEL, vad jag kan FÖRBÄTTRA. Men nej. Det är det ingen som vill ge mig. Så nu lägger jag ned. Jag har skrivit 15 a5 idag, De får åka i soporna. Om nu ingen barmhärtig människa på den här skitsidan vill ge mig lite kritik, förstås.

    Så. Nu har jag kräkt av mig....*går ock skriver lite till*

    Will you be forgiven when the cold grave has come?
  • Svar på tråden Ingen bryr sig om vad jag skriver. Nu slutar jag skriva!
  • kaffe

    Kan du inte lägga ut dina skönlitterära verk här? Några sidor varje dag kanske? Du lär bli strimlad i småsmulor, men läst blir du.

  • M r a u

    Det här är ju ett aber för alla med smala specialintressen..

  • Kereza

    Personligen tvingar jag mamma och min pojkvän att läsa. Det funkar...hyfsat. Moderskapet gråter hela tiden för hon tycker allt är sååå vackert - och pojkvännen sitter på nålar och törs knappt framföra kritik. Men det funkar hyfsat, trots det.
    Iofs gav jag tillfälligt upp den story jag FAKTISKT skriver på, och skrev en "chick-lit" istället, men det funkar det med - en jobbarkompis som skriver har läst den också, och så läser jag det han skriver - lika värde i utbyte. 

  • damboo
    Aniiee skrev 2015-10-17 22:12:31 följande:
    Skriver "skönlitteratur"...... Om du vill kan jag skriva av en sida eller fem.....
    Pm:a mig så får jag ge dig kritik!
  • Aniiee

    Varning för crappy engelska, osammanhängande bitar och total förvirring. Här följer en femtedel av vad jag skrivit idag:
           Alex looked up. His cousin stood over him.
    "Hey", he muttered. "Did I fall asleep?"
    "Yeah", Nathan smiled crookedly. "Tired?"
              Alex sat up, making some space on the couch for his cousin. Nathan sat down and gave him a thoughtful look.
    "What are you looking at", Alex muttered self-consciously.
    "It's nice to see you sober for once", Nathan replied innocently. "How long has it been now, two months?"
               Alex frowned. He knew full well that Nathan was teasing him, but he wasn't in a teasing mood.
    "Eleven, thank you very much", he said dourly, "And it has been 18 months since I and Kevin started dating."
    "That long, huh? I must remember to thank him för that,"
                Brandriel looked up. The King of Saringourd stood in the doorway, looking tired and anxious.
    "Majesty!" Brandriel jumped to his feet. "Are you well?"
                King Eirin sighed hevily and sank down on the edge of rooms large bed, by which Brandriel, Consort of the Kings youngest brother, had sat. Brandriel sat down on his chair again.
    "What did the healers say", the King asked.
               Both King and Consort stole a glance at the Prince Merill, laying pale and still in the bed.
    "As long as he survives the poisoning, he will be fine", Brandriel said softly.
                 King Eirin nodded.
    "Not quite the end to the Queen's Hunt that I wanted", he said. "Bloody dragon."
    Elril could not see a path, but if Irestor claimed there was one, who was he to object. He had never set foot in a real forest before, and was hopelessly lost long ago. At least the Elf had promised there was food and clothing at the end of this supposed path. Maybe Irestor lived nearby. 
              Beside Elril, Zanedithas was shivering in his longshirt. Poor Zen, Elril though, he wasn't used to cold.
    "You were right", Zanedithas muttered through gritted teeth. "I do miss my duvet. But Most I think I miss my boots. My toes are going to fall off", he turned to Aylonna. "Can I borrow your shoes for a while?"
                Behind him, Adomorn snorted derisivly.
    "I don't think you'll want to", Aylonna answered evenly. "They're not very warm, and I think they'd be much to small for you".

    Will you be forgiven when the cold grave has come?
  • Aniiee
    Dr Nail skrev 2015-10-17 22:27:43 följande:
    Ok, fair enough. Visst, jag kan läsa något, och säga vad jag tycker.
    damboo skrev 2015-10-17 23:01:16 följande:
    Pm:a mig så får jag ge dig kritik!
    Håll till godo, for now.

    Det kan hända att jag terrar er med något mer långrandigt vid senare tillfälle.
    Will you be forgiven when the cold grave has come?
  • Aniiee
    kaffe skrev 2015-10-17 22:39:25 följande:

    Kan du inte lägga ut dina skönlitterära verk här? Några sidor varje dag kanske? Du lär bli strimlad i småsmulor, men läst blir du.

    Jag blir gärna strimlad i småsmulor som det är just nu! Call it masochism....
    Will you be forgiven when the cold grave has come?
  • ninasord

    Ok ser fel direkt här.
    För många upprepningar av samma ord bar ai dom två första meningarna.

  • Aniiee
    M r a u skrev 2015-10-17 22:42:26 följande:

    Det här är ju ett aber för alla med smala specialintressen..

    Ja, eller hur =P
    Will you be forgiven when the cold grave has come?
  • Ego Lovers
    Aniiee skrev 2015-10-17 23:06:34 följande:

    Varning för crappy engelska, osammanhängande bitar och total förvirring. Här följer en femtedel av vad jag skrivit idag:
           Alex looked up. His cousin stood over him.
    "Hey", he muttered. "Did I fall asleep?"
    "Yeah", Nathan smiled crookedly. "Tired?"
              Alex sat up, making some space on the couch for his cousin. Nathan sat down and gave him a thoughtful look.
    "What are you looking at", Alex muttered self-consciously.
    "It's nice to see you sober for once", Nathan replied innocently. "How long has it been now, two months?"
               Alex frowned. He knew full well that Nathan was teasing him, but he wasn't in a teasing mood.
    "Eleven, thank you very much", he said dourly, "And it has been 18 months since I and Kevin started dating."
    "That long, huh? I must remember to thank him för that,"
                Brandriel looked up. The King of Saringourd stood in the doorway, looking tired and anxious.
    "Majesty!" Brandriel jumped to his feet. "Are you well?"
                King Eirin sighed hevily and sank down on the edge of rooms large bed, by which Brandriel, Consort of the Kings youngest brother, had sat. Brandriel sat down on his chair again.
    "What did the healers say", the King asked.
               Both King and Consort stole a glance at the Prince Merill, laying pale and still in the bed.
    "As long as he survives the poisoning, he will be fine", Brandriel said softly.
                 King Eirin nodded.
    "Not quite the end to the Queen's Hunt that I wanted", he said. "Bloody dragon."
    Elril could not see a path, but if Irestor claimed there was one, who was he to object. He had never set foot in a real forest before, and was hopelessly lost long ago. At least the Elf had promised there was food and clothing at the end of this supposed path. Maybe Irestor lived nearby. 
              Beside Elril, Zanedithas was shivering in his longshirt. Poor Zen, Elril though, he wasn't used to cold.
    "You were right", Zanedithas muttered through gritted teeth. "I do miss my duvet. But Most I think I miss my boots. My toes are going to fall off", he turned to Aylonna. "Can I borrow your shoes for a while?"
                Behind him, Adomorn snorted derisivly.
    "I don't think you'll want to", Aylonna answered evenly. "They're not very warm, and I think they'd be much to small for you".

    Will you be forgiven when the cold grave has come?
    Jag måste säga att jag gillar sista stycket i Alex dialogen när du skriver för mitt i den engelska texten. Annars kan jag bara ge positiv kritik. Man vill veta mer
Svar på tråden Ingen bryr sig om vad jag skriver. Nu slutar jag skriva!