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Och precis som Todo nada och han vars signatur jag glömt vägrar jag att återgälda dina selfies.
Noterar dock att mustaschen har fått stryka på foten den här gången.
Den iranska kvinnorättskämpen Leila Alikarami om symbolvärdet av att Sverige representerades av många kvinnor:
"But Tahmasebi said it was important for the women to attend. If [the] Swedish women hadnt gone to Tehran, the meeting would have taken place without them, but with male officials. Its important that Iran would have relations with Sweden, a country that pursues feministic foreign policy, she added.
It is not the first time this year that the Swedish government has drawn applause for its gender equality. Earlier this month Swedens deputy prime minister, Isabella Lovin, posted a photograph of herself and her female colleagues after she signed a bill protecting the environment. The image was widely shared online and taken as a wry comment on pictures of Donald Trumps all-male Oval Office team"