maria7701 skrev 2012-04-22 20:34:14 följande:
So roligt att läsa från manniskor i samma situationen! Unfortunately my Swedish writing is not so good so I continue in English.
I have some PCO symptoms, especially not having menstruation often, and our daughter was born after using Pergotime, already after one dose. We have been wanting a second child for 1,5 years now and although everyone says in many cases it happens naturally for the second, it hasn't so far. It was no problem getting an appointment at a gynaecologist (after 4 months) and I got Pergotime again, one single and two double doses. Horrible side effects this time, especially feeling depressed, blodvallningar, synstörningar and so on. And the worst: no pregnancy. Ägglösningstestar showed sometimes ovulation, sometimes not, but I know they cannot really be trusted when you have PCO. But we had no check ups or anything, and I was really curious what was going on in my body because it sure felt strange, so much activity in the ovaries going on for weeks and weeks.
We had a little break after these difficult months and made another appointment. After some waiting time till this, the gynaecologist said we should go to a more specialised clinic, sigh... So another 3-4 months waiting and now we just had that appointment.
Just went there last week and it all sounds good and much better than the other hospital. Will have to do the regular tests first as we the previous ones were not conducted in Sweden and were 4 yrs ago. Got medication to start menstruation. The plan is that I will give myself hormone injections and they will do check ups very often "unitl you are pregnant" they said, which gave me very high hopes!
I would be glad to hear of others who have done these injections before. I am sure hoping for less side effects....
Lycka till allihopa!
good to hear that you finally seem to have got the help that you need! I got pregnant with my first child after just one single dose of Pergotime but do not dare to hope for such quick results this time. I have my first doctor's appointment (by telephone...) this week and as it is a new doctor and a new clinic I am a bit nervous right now, not knowing whether I will get the right help or not, or how much time it will take. I hope I won't have to take all the tests again, waiting for the results etc etc before we can make an honest attempt for a second child.
I have no experience of injections but hope they will work for you. Good luck!