Är incel något man förtjänar att vara?
Tror det handlar mer om en slags entitlement där kvinnor och samhället/ andra män då genom sympatier till den stackars misslyckade mannen ska ge honom vad han vill ha.
In romantic relationships, an internal locus of control can be crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership. When individuals have an internal locus of control, they are more likely to take ownership of their actions and work towards resolving conflicts and challenges within the relationship. They are also more likely to feel confident in their ability to make decisions and to communicate their needs and desires to their partner.
On the other hand, those with an external locus of control may have a tendency to blame their partner or external circumstances for their problems, leading to a lack of personal responsibility and a breakdown in communication. This can result in a cycle of negative interactions and, ultimately, a less satisfying relationship