Padirac skrev 2020-11-18 23:09:32 följande:
Jaja.. det är alltså aftonbladet som är din källa.
Men inget i din källa anger att det är flockimmunitet som är strategin eller om det är en långsiktig effekt av strategin. Jag kan inte se att du gör den distinktionen utan istället drar du en ogrundad slutsats från ett material som inte explicit stödjer din tolkning.
En hell del av de falska påståenden - inklusive ditt påstående om att strategin är flockimmunitet - som sprids i tråden är identifierat och analyserat av forskare. - jag vet inte varför du sprider falska uppgifter och påståenden utanför sin kontext. Det är ju inte första gången cherrypicking av meningar eller stycken används för att stödja påståenden som om de sätts in i kontexten med rader eller stycken före eller efter det valda faktiskt motsäger de falska uppgifterna.
Här kommer i alla fall en lista på det som är identifierat av forskare som påstpåenden som bygger på misinformation och de-contextuialization - dessa påståenden är lätta att hitta i tråden om man gör som det tidigare nämnts - tryck på visa <lämpligt nick>
"Misinformation and de-contextualization: international media reporting on Sweden and COVID-19"
"While much of the international reporting of Sweden was balanced and mostly accurate, misinformation and de-contextualized truths wove in and out of the coverage, giving rise to further misinterpretation on social media. In the sections that follow, I discuss six of the main narratives of media reporting about the Swedish response during the first month of the pandemic. This debate provides a snapshot; that is, as the pandemic progressed the dominance of certain narratives waxed and waned, and some of the content changed. However, the early reporting set the tone for later news stories, so it is worth exploring this first month in detail."
"Narrative 1: life is normal in Sweden"
"Narrative 2: Sweden has a herd immunity strategy"
"Narrative 3: Sweden is not listening to experts or data"
"Narrative 4: Sweden is not following WHO recommendations"
"Narrative 5: the Swedish approach is not working; and Sweden has or will change course"
"Narrative 6: Swedes trust the government"
Not all reporting is misleading, and there were a number of balanced articles in the month following the WHO?s characterization of COVID-19 as a pandemic. Several of the ?foreign? reporters were Swedish or had lived in Sweden for years, spoke the language and could contextualize the reporting. It is not uncommon that an editor changes text and headlines, so the blame for sensationalizing does not always lay on the journalist. Also, owing in part to changes in the news industry over the past two decades, working conditions can be very difficult, especially for freelance journalists.
Moreover, a journalist or newspaper cannot always control how a story is interpreted and shared on social media or in the online comments sections. For instance, several newspapers covered a statement from the Italian ambassador in which he stated that the WHO ranked the Italian health system as the second best in the world, while Sweden?s was 23rd [77]. This statement became truth on Twitter. Very few noted that this ranking was from the 2000 World Health Report, itself a controversial report [78]. Additionally, the interplay between social media and news media amplifyies bias, which feeds back into reporting.
I also do not wish to criticize individual researchers ? people?s complex arguments can be turned into soundbites when they are interviewed in the news; this is why it can be helpful to attend media training offered by many universities. However, while most articles are balanced, the negative ones are shared more widely [79]. This can have a negative impact upon public health action and can hinder cross-border comparisons.
Hur som helst återstår för dig att visa att alternativ 3 betyder det du vill påstå att det betyder - det har du inte gjort ännu.
Återigen denna referens till antropologen i Lund som får stipendium av svenska staten och skriver om svenskt feministiskt perspektiv på global hälsa och vitt skiftande ämnen .... ja ja ....