Mammor - Barn som föds från Maj 2014 kommer att mikrochippas...
Tror du förresten att det var en Jumbojet som flög in i Pentagon 9/11?
Pentagon besköts med kryssnings-missil:
1. It is not possible to fly to the Moon and back (in spite of Wikipedia/ NASA suggesting otherwise) because you need, apart from a comfortable space ship with a very advanced steering system, a big mass of fuel/energy to do it using the best rocket engines available by the military very secret industry, but you cannot carry the mass of all the fuel with you, because you get too heavy.
2. You cannot even land on Earth again! The space ship brake system does not work in the atmosphere. Earth gravity is much too strong. You or your mass will just go faster and faster. No way you can brake. Your mass and ass will burn up at re-entry!
3. Any human in a space ship will immediately be fried to death due to heat radiation from the Sun and cosmic radiation. To insulate the space ship against radiation will make it too heavy. A space ship travelling between Earth and Moon is exposed 24/24 and 7/7 to the Sun, as if you were at the Equator of planet Earth but without any filtering, damping, turbulent atmosphere. Same applies to satellites orbiting Earth high above the atmosphere. They all heat up to ~200°C, when exposed to the Sun.