I onsdags hade jag en Skype-konsultation med Dr Gleicher, som är en av läkarna på CHR som forskar kring DHEA.
Jag har fått en del dokument från dem om DHEA, så här skriver de t.ex. om interaktion med andra ämnen:
"Since DHEA can interfere with the way the body processes substances, subject to the influences of the liver's cytochrome P450 enzyme system, the effects of certain herbs and supplements can also be affected by DHEA use. Since other herbs and supplements can also affect the same enzyme system, they, in tum, may affect DHEA levels. Examples for the latter are bloodroot, cat's claw, chamomile, chaparral, chasteberry, damiana, Echinacea angustifolia, goldenseal, grapefruit juice, licorice, oregano, red clover, St. John's wort, wild cherry and yucca. Dosing adjustments of DHEA and of other herbs/supplements may, therefore, be needed when both are taken in combination. (8) Theoretical and/or proven interactions have been reported between DHEA and a wide variety of additional herbs and dietary supplements."
Så här skriver de om doser och hur det skall tas:
"DHEA has been used in a large variety of dosage. Because DHEA levels are the highest in the morning, a predominant dose is usually prescribed in AM. As an oil-soluble substance it is best taken with a meal. Oral DHEA is traditionally used at a dosage of 25 to 50 mg daily. (9) For female infertility (for detail, see above) it has been described at a dosage of 25 mg TID. (2,3) In the treatment of Crohn's disease 200 mg daily have been used. For depression the dosage has been 30 to 90 mg daily and for depression in conjunction with HIV/AIDS, as much as 200 to 500 mg has been used. SLE has been treated with 50 to 200 mg daily. (8)"
Så här skriver de om effekten:
"The effect of DHEA appears to peak after at least four months of usage, at a dosage of 25 mg TID. (2) Dosaging experiments have, however, not been performed. lt is, therefore, unknown whether this dosage represents the best dosaging regiment. It has been suggested that androgenizing effects of DHEA may skew the gender ratio in offspring towards more male births.
DHEA appears equally effective in women with physiologically aging ovaries and in women with prematurely aging ovaries. (3) Indeed, the beneficial effect of DHEA has been demonstrated beyond age 42, up to approximately age 45. No data beyond that age are available. Evidence level B."