Xenia skrev 2024-05-10 08:12:33 följande:
Jag tycker det enda rätta hade varit att lyssna på sakkunskap. Och då kräva en ordentlig dysforiutredning innan plus att vederbörande ska vara myndig.
Vanligt folk vet inte tillräckligt, inte politiker heller.
Xenia skrev 2024-05-11 01:54:11 följande:
ClumsySmurf skrev 2024-05-10 14:41:27 följande:
Läkare som skiter i konsekvenserna skiter i försiktighetsprincipen
Da gor de fel.
Jag tankte inte bara pa vilken lakare som helst utan t ex experter pa genetik. Det ar inte sa enkelt som att alla ar antingen XX eller XY, det finns t ex intersexuella.
Andra experter pa t ex autism, om det ar det som gor att unga kanner sig ha fel kropp och inte passa in.
på genspect på youtube finns det några med sakkunskap.
Jag tycker precis som du men
Ideologer/aktivister på vänsterkanten hittar på vetenskapliga discipliner som t.e.x genusvetenskap och sen använder de sin egen "forskning" som referens, idétvätt.
Könstillhörighetslagen är baserad på pseudovetenskap.
Vilka har politikerna lyssnat på?
De som pratar mycket utan att säga något.
Andra experter pa t ex autism, om det ar det som gor att unga kanner sig ha fel kropp och inte passa in."
De kan säkert svara på en hel del
Transaktivister (WPATH) har gjort som genusforskare och hittat på egen forskning, efter diagnosen blev ändrad i DSM 5 (2013) behöver man inte uppleva att man har 'fel kropp' för att få en diagnos och läkare utan gränser verkar skita i om det kan bero på något annat.
Der är nog svårt att få till en ordentlig dysforiutredning när det är pseudovetenskap i DSM.
We're Lesbians on the Autism Spectrum. Stop Telling Us to Become Men
If there was ever a case for a trans child, I was it. Let?s take a look at the
DSM-5 guidelines and its diagnostic definition of gender dysphoria, followed by descriptions of my own experience:
In short, I did exactly what the trans community was telling me to do: I educated myself, using their preferred sources and their firsthand reports of their experiences.
The result, however, was not what they intended. The more sources I read, the more questions I had, with none of my previous questions being answered in the process. No one seemed to be able to define terms such as trans, gender dysphoria, non-binary, or gendered soul without using what struck me as obvious gender stereotypes. No one could define the word woman, either. In fact, I started being reprimanded for even daring to use the word woman or making any references to female biology in a political context at school.
Here?s the thing about ASD:
One of its hallmark symptoms is discomfort in one?s own body, and with the physical world more generally. Especially in this day and age of self-diagnosis, and the sea of misleading "autism" memes on social media, it?s hard to realize that there's more to the condition than social anxiety. In fact, I?d argue if you?re hyper-aware of your own social ineptness, especially in childhood, you probably
aren't on the spectrum. The issue here is social obliviousness, not social anxiety. Sure, the anxiety often comes along later, when you finally realize you?re doing something wrong, but it's not the source of the problem.
For people like this, not at home in their own bodies and unable to pick up on the social cues and socialization that surround issues of gender, sexuality, and romance, it?s easy to see how they would identify with the trans movement. Add in black-and-white thinking and an obsession with categorization (also common ASD characteristics), and Houston, we have a problem. To these kids, a transgender identity presents a straightforward and treatable solution to their lifelong pain, and who wouldn?t want that? Even many trans activists now
recognize the high number of ASD sufferers who are transitioning.