EpicF skrev 2022-07-19 19:11:26 följande:
Nej, det har ett franskt ursprung. Fransk som i Frankrike. Inte frankiskt. Vilket du har helt rätt inte är samma som franskt.
Nej, frankiskt. Har man någorlunda utbildning vet man att frankerna var ett germanskt folk, även språkligt, och att även om de gett namn till dagens Frankrike, så har det franska språket i huvudsak andra rötter, även om det såklart finns en germansk influens.
? as a boys' name is pronounced
LEE-am. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Liam is "determined protector".
Irish Gaelic form of
William. Actor Liam Neeson.
Liam is an Irish name meaning "strong-willed warrior" and "protector." It's a shortened version of the Irish name Uilliam (which came from the Frankish name Willahelm) meaning "helmet of will." Liam is also a fun, modernized alternative to the traditional boy name William.
When the
Frankish Empire was divided, the name developed differently in each region. In Northern
Francia, Willahelm developed first into "Willelm" and then into "Willaume" in
Norman and
Picard, and "Guillaume" in
Ile-de-France French. The Norman form was further developed by the English into the familiar modern form "
Liam originated as a nickname for Uilliam, the Irish variation of William. William is an English name from Germanic roots that was brought to Ireland when the British fled England following the Norman Conquest. The Irish began using English names, including William, which led to the development of Uilliam and its short form, Liam.
An Irish form of William, derived from the Germanic Wilhelm, a composite of the words wil, "will", and helm, "helmet".
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