Kung Markatta skrev 2017-03-02 14:07:12 följande:
Människorättsaktivist dömer ut Sveriges regering i artikel i Wall Street Journal:
Sweden claims it has a "feminist foreign policy," yet during an official trip to Iran last month several female cabinet members covered their heads. How will Iranian women escape Islamism's chokehold if European feminists submissively bow to men who refuse even to shake a woman's hand?
Days before that state visit, an Islamic court in Iran's Lorestan Province sentenced a man and woman to death by stoning for adultery. The Swedish feminists issued nary a peep in protest of this gross violation of human rights.
In the guise of cultural relativism, Western feminism appears to have evolved into a new kind of racism. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights seems not to apply to women in certain Islamic countries.
Yet Western moral preening never ends. Also days before the state visit, Sweden's deputy prime minister, Isabella Lövin, publicized a picture of herself signing a decree as seven female officials stood behind her desk. It was meant as a parody of Mr. Trump's all-male signing ceremonies. Why are Sweden's officials so agitated by America's mouthy president yet so taciturn about Iran's brutal Islamists? Why should his machismo concern them more than millions of oppressed and debased women?
Hyggligt av dig att betala Wall Street Journal för att vi alla ska få läsa artikeln.
För det är väl inte så att du anser att Familjeliv ska betala kalaset.
Efter vad jag har förstått så är WSJ ytterst noga med att bevaka upphovsrätten, det var ju till och med svårt att få ta del av ledarna för det rasistiska partiet SD:s sverigefientliga debattartikel i WSJ utan att betala.
Nåja, det drabbar kanske ingen fattig iallafall.