his mother.
?Papa?, said Ezio. ?It?s mother.?
?Of course?, said Giovanni. ?Did you think I would leave her in Firenze??
Ezio looked confused.
?So?, he said after a moment. ?How are we getting down from here??
Giovanni walked up to the edge of the roof and looked down.
?We jump?, he said.
?Jump?, cried out Federico. ?Pazzo!?
?Have faith, my son?, said Giovanni gently. Then he waved Petruccio over. ?Don?t be scared?, he said. ?And don?t hesitate. You will be fine.?
Then Giovanni Auditore turned around and leaped of the roof, right down in the bale of hay. The hooded man came up to him and grabbed his arm to help him up. When they were clear of the hay, Giovanni called for Petruccio and waved at him. Petruccio jumped without hesitation, just as his father had told him to. When he did, Federico said:
?Oldest or youngest first??
?After you?, said Ezio, sweeping his arm at the edge of the roof. ?I always thought you were the crazy one.?
Federico jumped. Giovanni helped him up. Then, after a moment?s hesitation, Ezio jumped, too. The hooded man grabbed his arm and pulled him up. Ezio fell towards him, unsettled by the impact of falling three stories. Be-sides, he couldn?t be wrong. And he wasn?t. The hooded man let Ezio fall into his arms. Their lips met. So soft was the kiss, Ezio wondered for a moment if it was a kiss at all. But then he grabbed the other around the waist and kissed him deep and hard. The adrenaline and excitement drained away and all that was left was weariness and longing.
?Leo?, he whispered.