Irrajks sambo: It's great to have the tone changed to positive. There are things that I don't miss about Ireland, people thinking they are cool driving while drunk, taking Drugs, criminals arming themselves to the teeth to protect ilegal import of drugs. Personally I want the Irish Government to use the Irish Rangers to stamp these criminal operations out. I would be very supportive of Swedish people in Ireland expressing their concerns about crime or violence in Ireland. There was a time when I could only see the negative side to the world though, for example I don't have time for Nationalists' ( Sinn Fein ) or Loyalist paramilitaries, nor some Britains' " imperialistic " attitudes. I did spend time living in the UK negatively pondering about my hatred of England, but as time progressed I realised that there are many good, decent English Men and Women that deserve my utmost respect. So this brings me back to my reaction to your perception of Irish drivers, I fully accept that there are people in Ireland who use " loopholes " in Irish license laws to not take responsibilty for themselves or their actions, but at the same time there are many Irish people who uphold the law and have similar values to you and I, is it fair that we catagorise them as a bunch of delinquents, roaming around the streets just looking to mow an innocent person down?
There are other things that immigrants find difficult to understand about Ireland, only 90 years ago our culture was imperialised by the British crown, so only through rebelion and war did we achieve the free state we know today. Do we carry this rebelious attitude on to authority today? Maybe so, I'm not sure, but maybe this is what you are picking up when you hear the disgruntled Irish people complaining about the State. This is something you must understand about Irish people, we'll spend the whole day slagging each other, but we really don't mean it!
I am delighted to hear your perception of Irish Natal care, one of my children was born in Dublin and the other was born in Sweden. I must confess that the first, my little Boy, was born in Dublin, but I was so concerned that my partner and baby were going to survive the ordeal I didn't even notice the work of the hospital staff. For my Daughter, the birth was at a Swedish Hospital, but I was way more relaxed so I thought it went really smooth. I am always humble when it comes to Birth, I was just standing there, my partner did all the work, I think she should have the comments on care etc.
I am someone who comes from a similar Dublin background, my parents are lovely people, our family could be considered as middle class, dare I use the term. My Mother is probably one of the most positive thinkers I know, I'd love to mention her name as I'm sure many people throughout Ireland would agree, but I don't think I should. I differ from you in the way that I was beaten up, I was locked up in a room, humiliated by my adult teachers who justified this because I wouldn't agree with their opinion ( only 25 years ago ). At times this crosses my mind: " could I really fuckin' expose my children to such treatment, I don't trust that all these wankers are gone out of the educational system in Ireland ". Almost daily I come accross Swedish fools, but at the same time I meet wonderful, gentle, itellegent Swedish people. I fear returning to Ireland sometimes because in the back of my mind I wonder what is waiting for my kids in their future there, but I try to rise above the fools and all the clowns. I try to take inspiration from the positive aspects of my environment, especially those I have experienced in Sweden. If surrounded by hate, dispare, negativity and hopelessness, I always try to think the opposite " positive thought, hope, love... " ( thanks Ma! ).
BTY sorry for steering the thread the opposite way you intended, we will be back in Ireland next year, so I hope we can contribute again.