Antisionism är inte antisemitism
Mer fakta om Negev:
Mer fakta om Negev:
The claim is often made that in 1948 a Jewish minority owning only 5 per cent of the land of Palestine made itself master of the Arab majority, which owned 95 per cent of the land.
In May 1948 the State of Israel was established in only part of the area allotted by the original League of Nations Mandate. 8.6 percent of the land was owned by Jews and 3.3 per cent by Israeli Arabs, while 16.9 per cent had been abandoned by Arab owners who imprudently heeded the call from neighbouring countries to ?get out of the way? while the invading Arab armies made short shrift of Israel. The rest of the land?over 70 per cent?had been vested in the Mandatory Power, and accordingly reverted to the State of Israel as its legal heir. (Government of Palestine, Survey of Palestine, 1946, British Government Printer, p. 257.)
The greater part of this 70 per cent consisted of the Negev, some 3,144,250 acres all told, or close to 50 per cent of the 6,580,000 acres in all of Mandatory Palestine. Known as Crown or State Lands, this was mostly uninhabited arid or semi-arid territory, inherited originally by the Mandatory Government from Turkey. In 1948 it passed to the Government of Israel.
These lands had not been owned by Arab farmers?neither under the British Mandate nor under the preceding regime. Thus it is obvious that the contention that 95 per cent of the land?whether of Mandatory Palestine or of the State of Israel?had belonged to Arabs has absolutely no foundation in fact.
"Området är en så kallad humanitär zon, men under krigets lopp har Israel upprepade gånger anfallit de områden de utpekat som säkra.
I tältlägret finns tiotusentals palestinier som flytt undan kriget från andra delar av Gazaremsan."
Här har vi något som verkligen är konkret fakta - angående den påstådda svälten i Gaza. Man har uppenbarligen undersökt detta i Juni i år.
"In Rafah, for the month of May 2024 (1-2 June has been included by the FRC reanalysis to ensure highest possible available count), 3.3 percent of respondent have a poor Food Consumption Score (FCS), 19.5 percent borderline and 77.2 percent acceptable"
"In Deir Al Balah and Khan Younis, for the month of May 2024 (1-2 June has been included by the FRC reanalysis to ensure highest possible available count), 5.8 percent of respondent have a poor Food Consumption Score (FCS), 19.5percent borderline and 74.7 percent acceptable"
"In northern governorates, for the month of May 2024 (1-2 June has been included by the FRC reanalysis to ensure highest possible available count), 13percent of respondent have a poor Food Consumption Score (FCS), 23 percent borderline and 60 percent acceptable."
Det finns andra intressanta siffror och tabeller där. Och även om man bedömer detta som allvarligt, så är det ju en bedömning jämnfört med en idealisk situation, som dessa människor kanske inte ens har haft tidigare.
Jag har inte läst alla sidor, det är ganska långt.