SGI after longer sick period
Hi there,
Has anyone been sick for longer period of time during pregnancy and know how that affect your income and maternity leave money?
My psychologist wants me to take a break from work for a longer period. I would say 2 months or more. I am currently 5 months pregnant.
I called försäkringskassan and they were not helpful at all, they could not answer of IF or How Badly this would affect my maternity leave money. They said I first must be sick, then apply for föräldrapenning and during application they will decide ... Prior applying they are not able to answer even IF I would be affected at all.
This gives me additional stress I don?t need. Feels like I can?t have a break from work since there might be a possibility that I wouldn?t be able to survive during maternity with that money that I end up with because of my sick period.
It is quite sad that because of "playing it safe" I cannot choose my heath right now.
Has anyone been in this type of situation?