Israel folkmord
164 länder i FN har erkänt Israel som en stat, 29 har inte.
a politically unified people occupying a definite territory; nation.
Skulle vara intressant att få höra från dig exakt vad min sionistiska källa ljuger om. Ljuger de om vad som står i olika officiella landregister etc eller använder de medvetet officiella register som ljuger?
Ja det är tydligt att det är skillnad mellan judar och araber, men underligt att det står palestinier, då man menar araber, för år då palestinier betydde alla innevånare i området Palestina.
3. The continuing Validity of the Partition Resolution
The adoption of the Partition Resolution by the two-thirds vote required for important questions gave it a high degree of legal authority. The representative of the Jewish Agency, Mr. Shertok (later the foreign minister and the prime minister of the Government of Israel), referred to its ?binding force? on 27 April 1948:
The State of Israel has placed heavy reliance upon the Partition Resolution as providing legal authority. 83/ Its Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, after referring to General Assembly resolution 181 as ?a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz-Israel?, continues: ?This resolution by the United Nations of the right of the Jewish people to establish their State is irrevocable?. 84/ Another paragraph of the Declaration provides that the State is established ?By virtue of our Natural and Historic Right and on the Strength of the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly?. 85/ Although the Preamble to the Palestine Mandate refers to ?the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine?, 86/ the negotiating history of this wording reveals that the Zionist claim of legal right on an historic basis was rejected. 87/ Therefore, it appears that the Partition Resolution is the preeminent juridical basis for the State of Israel.
The Arab States not only voted against partition, but they initially took the position that it was invalid. It is, therefore, significant that they have subsequently relied upon it in presenting legal arguments on behalf of the Palestinians. The Arab States are now not only supporting the basic principles of the Partition Resolution, but subsequent General Assembly resolutions which are consistent with those principles as well. 88/ The Arab States were deeply disturbed by what they initially regarded as the violation of the right of self-determination by the Partition Resolution. The self-determination issue may have been resolved in an unusual manner, but it is not possible to conclude as a matter of law that the particular method of self-determination in two States was invalid per se.
The Partition Resolution continues to provide legal authority, combined with restrictions upon that authority, for each of two States in Palestine. It is important to recognize that validity in law is not dependent upon subsequent effectuation. Even though there has been little effectuation of many of the specific provisions of the Partition Resolution, it is not possible to say that this demonstrates its invalidity. The subsequent resolutions of the General Assembly recognizing the right of return of individual Palestinians, as well as those recognizing the Palestinians as a people with national rights, are consistent with the basic conception of partition and two States in Palestine. The subsequent resolutions of the General Assembly are also consistent with the continued existence of the State of Israel, as one of the States authorized in the Partition Resolution, provided that it complies with the obligations which are conjoined with the authorization to establish the State. 89/ The actions of the General Assembly concerning Palestine have been taken, it should be emphasized, with the affirmative participation of a substantial majority of the. States of the world community which comprise the Assembly?s membership and thereby constitute a worldwide consensus of support of the continuing validity of the basic principles of the Partition Resolution.
Tror inte det är de judiska terroristerna vi borde oroa oss mest för.
Men vad gulligt av Israel att låta ett mindre antal palestinier bli medborgare efter att man hade fördrivit det stora flertalet.
Herregud hur Nihka och Anti-Extremist försöker att slakta AndreaBD i denna tråd! Tycker de kunde rikta sina krafter emot att förklara händelserna i Mellanöstern i stället. Om Hamas lade ner sina vapen idag och släppte gisslan, skulle kriget upphöra. Diskutera gärna det i stället.