KlantSmurfen skrev 2021-04-04 03:20:26 följande:
" Din första länk säger bokstavligen samma saker som artikeln i Läkartidningen: Män har sämre nätverk, tar inte stöd av andra, skäms över psykisk sjukldom och söker därför inte hjälp. "
Du får gärna citera den del som bokstavligen säger att det beror på hur konformistiska män är till mansnormen och Ett aktivt undvikande av vården med förklaringen att "det inte var manligt att söka hjälp", och dessutom fanns risken att den emotionella krisen felaktigt skulle bedömas som psykisk sjukdom.
" Och detta beror väl rimligen på hur de har fått lära sig att män ska vara? "
Vem har lärt dem att män ska vara så? Föräldrar, lärare, media, politiker?
The excesses of Women's Studies affected not just faculty, but, even more so, students. And the deepest outrage of our three informants was directed at the miseducation suffered by the students they had left behind
The students, poor things.I feel really bad for them, because they're not being given an education.
And, you know, once they're in Women's Studies, it's like the Stepford Wives! Women's Studies turns them into ideologically inflamed Stepford Wives!
I was always able to recognize them, these kids who come in, kind of zombified, who start uttering stock phrases. And you say, "Well, so-and-so certainly put her bootprint on these kids." Because it's obvious they' re terrified of a thought, because if they ever had a serious thought, they might start reflecting on this stuff they're taught to repeat. I don't want to make it that clear-cut, but the ones who identified themselves as Women's Studies students were the worst. It was just a relentless dogmatism: "We will not talk about this!" Any criticism is because you're homophobic, or you're a patriarchalist in disguise, or you're this or you're that!- whether the criticism came from me or from other students. Politics is driving out their ability to think!
You see, what "feminist process" in the classroom winds up being is a push toward conformism and toward silencing dissent. It's all done under the rubric of being nice and open, and not being an authoritarian, old-fashioned type of teacher. But this winds up being tremendously more coercive. Because with authoritarian teachers you know they're being authoritarian, and you can resist. You know who's doing what to you. But this other way is manipulation, which is far worse than straight coercion, because students are being led someplace without any clarity as to who's accountable for what and who's leading them there. And since it's all supposed to be for your own good, you see, there's this terrible paternalism, or should we call it maternalism? "It's all for your own good." And I think that's far inore dangerous than a more old-fashioned, straight-forward authoritarianism, because it's harder to resist that kind of maternalism than it is the other, and to be clear about what's going on.
Daphne Patai - Professing Feminism
Meta-analyses of the relationship between conformity to masculine norms and mental health-related outcomes. - PsycNET
Despite theoretical postulations that individuals' conformity to masculine norms is differentially related to mental health-related outcomes depending on a variety of contexts, there has not been any systematic synthesis of the empirical research on this topic. Therefore, the authors of this study conducted meta-analyses of the relationships between conformity to masculine norms (as measured by the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory-94 and other versions of this scale) and mental health-related outcomes using 78 samples and 19,453 participants. Conformity to masculine norms was modestly and unfavorably associated with mental health as well as moderately and unfavorably related to psychological help seeking. The authors also identified several moderation effects. Conformity to masculine norms was more strongly correlated with negative social functioning than with psychological indicators of negative mental health. Conformity to the specific masculine norms of self-reliance, power over women, and playboy were unfavorably, robustly, and consistently related to mental health-related outcomes, whereas conformity to the masculine norm of primacy of work was not significantly related to any mental health-related outcome. These findings highlight the need for researchers to disaggregate the generic construct of conformity to masculine norms and to focus instead on specific dimensions of masculine norms and their differential associations with other outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved)
psycnet.apa.org/record/2016-56584-001Du blir inte intressant att diskutera med när du gör dig dum. Du vet utmärkt väl att man påverkas till viss grad av alla man har runt sig som liten, som ung, och även som vuxen.
Och jag vet faktiskt inte hur blind olch oreflekterande man måste vara för att inte under sin uppväxt ha märkt att pojkar och flickor inte behandlas lika. Inte när de skrattar, inte när de gråter, inte när de presterar och inte när de fallerar.
Det enda som är säkert är att det kommer att ge samhället stora problem framöver att det är som det är i skolan, t.ex.