• Shoegal81

    Vad är det för fel på Alexander Bard

    Vet inte om så många här inne vet vem han är, men han hade nån hitlåt på 90-talet, vet inte riktigt vad han är känd för, på senare år har han varit med i idol och talang.

    Helt sjukt hur han skrev ett så grovt rasistiskt twitter inlägg?! Det var nog det grövsta jag sett. Sen idag kallade han Bianca Ingrosso för hora. Vad är det för fel på människan? Han verkar inte må så bra.

    "If black lives want to matter, then black lives get their fucking shit together, study hard, go to work, make their own money instead of depend on welfare, stop lying, get out of prison, and become heroes instead of self-appointed victims for the world to laugh at. That matters!"
    "När det gäller bitchfighten mellan Bard och Bianca: Kom igen nu! Bianca är en uppenbar hora, allt hon någonsin gjort har varit för pengar. Det är helt okej för farbror Alex eftersom han gjort en hel del horande själv när han var ung och behövde pengar"

  • Svar på tråden Vad är det för fel på Alexander Bard
  • StevenDiese
    Överste Senap skrev 2020-06-16 10:32:20 följande:

    Intressant att han kallar Bianca för hora när han är den enda av dem som sålt sex.

    Han jämförde Bianca med sig själv när han var unge då han också var en hora. Och med hora menade han att han vände kappan efter vinden för att tjäna pengar.

    Syftet är nog inte att förolämpa nån, vilket han heller inte gör om man läser noga. Men jag förstår att folk bli upprörda för han använder vissa triggande ord som retar upp folk, och det är väl syftet.
  • StevenDiese

    Ung ska det stå. Inte unge.

  • BeautifulLiz
    Shoegal81 skrev 2020-06-16 06:47:51 följande:
    Bard är en patetisk liten gubbe som inte bidragit med ett jävla skit till mänskligheten. Han försöker att vara unik genom att klä sig med shorts och hängslen men alla fattar att hans patetiska klädsel bara är ett dåligt försök att få uppmärksamhet eftersom ingen skulle titta två gånger efter en kort, skallig, spinkig gubbjävel med grått äckligt skägg utan någon som helst riktig talang. Han har fått plats i media Sverige för att de behövde inkvotera bögar. Han har insett det själv så nu sitter han och försöker greppa sitt sista halmstrå att få uppmärksamhet av er SD anhängare genom att sitta och twittra rasistiska uttalanden. Så jävla sorgligt, men så går det väl om man trodde att man var något, men så fastnade det med en halvtaskig popdynga på 90-talet.
    Du får ursäkta, men att försöka föra en diskussion med någon som för det första inte har en aning om vem personen som diskuteras är, eller vad han har producerat, för det andra sätter politiska stämplar på sin diskussionsmotståndare utan att ha minsta aning om var personen hör hemma politiskt (vilket i sammanhanget dessutom är oviktigt) och för det tredje är så oresonligt arg... det känns som bortkastad energi.

    Nästa gång du vill dra igång en diskussion, se till att veta vad du pratar om. Det skulle nog lyckas bättre då.
  • felix le chat
    Robert 832 skrev 2020-06-15 23:27:00 följande:
    Jag bara konstaterar verkligheten. Den som inte arbetar och bidrar saknar och kommer att sakna medlen att påverka och bli uppskattad. Har inget med ras alls att göra men det är en vanlig paradgren bland minoriteter att framstå som extra utsatta, att de behöver mer hjälp än våra egna som ingen alls bryr sig om när de fryser ihjäl på gatorna.

    Men... Våra egna "protesterar" inte sin lott med vilda upplopp, skadar egendom och andra människor... Och de dör i tystnad medan empati ges till de som söker moraliska ursäkter för att väsnas, förstöra, bruka våld.
    BLM gör stor skada på den unga afroamerikanska befolkningen genom att lära
    dom att skylla alla eventuella misslyckanden i livet på diskriminering och
    white privileges.  Dom lär sig att bli " One trick ponys " som rabblar upp
    verkliga och påhittade oförrätter inte mot dom som person utan för sin hudfärg.

  • Mentat
    Shoegal81 skrev 2020-06-16 06:54:26 följande:
    Jag tror inte han har så många följare, tror det här senaste blev uppmärksammat och delat av flera kändisar och politiker eftersom det var så rasistiskt.
    Må vara. Då kan man ju fundera över varför samma följare inte uppmärksammade och delade det inlägg som i så fall var sexistiskt...?
  • Dr Nail

    Frågan är snarare vad är det för RÄTT på Alexander Bard? När andra "kändisar" pudlar och gråter ut går han in i full kamikaze mode. SÅ hanterar man en lynchmobb!

    Tack, Bard, du behövs! Give em hell.

  • Shoegal81

    Eftersom jag har Alexander Bard i titeln till mitt inlägg så ser jag att det har lockat till sig en massa rasister. Hade kanske fått samma respons om jag frågade vad det var för fel på Hitler. "Han hade egentligen rätt". Jag skulle vilja dela ett inlägg som en kollega på universitetet delade igår. Vet inte om ni har kapacitet att sätta er in i någon annans situation, förmodligen inte, det är en spärr många rasister har. Ingen av er har blivit diskriminerade pga er hudfärg. Tänk om jag skulle visa Alexander Bards inlägg för min kollega, universitetsprofessorn? Så här tänker vissa i Sverige om folk med svart hudfärg? På grund av din hudfärg antar vi att du inte har ett jobb och att du utnyttjar samhället. Vi bryr oss inte om dig som person... men eftersom tonen av din hudfärg är mörkare så är det OK att ifrågasätta varför du tycker ditt liv ska få betyda något. 

    ?This is what I wore to work today. On my way to get a burrito before work, I was detained by the police.
    I noticed the police car in the public lot behind Centre Street. As I was walking away from my car, the cruiser followed me. I walked down Centre Street and was about to cross over to the burrito place and the officer got out of the car.
    "Hey my man," he said.
    He unsnapped the holster of his gun.
    I took my hands out of my pockets.
    "Yes?" I said.
    "Where you coming from?"
    Where's home?"
    How'd you get here?"
    "I drove."
    He was next to me now. Two other police cars pulled up. I was standing in from of the bank across the street from the burrito place. I was going to get lunch before I taught my 1:30 class. There were cops all around me.
    I said nothing. I looked at the officer who addressed me. He was white, stocky, bearded.
    "You weren't over there, were you?" He pointed down Centre Street toward Hyde Square.
    "No. I came from Dedham."
    "What's your address?"
    I told him.
    "We had someone matching your description just try to break into a woman's house."
    A second police officer stood next to me; white, tall, bearded. Two police cruisers passed and would continue to circle the block for the 35 minutes I was standing across the street from the burrito place.
    "You fit the description," the officer said. "Black male, knit hat, puffy coat. Do you have identification."
    "It's in my wallet. May I reach into my pocket and get my wallet?"
    I handed him my license. I told him it did not have my current address. He walked over to a police car. The other cop, taller, wearing sunglasses, told me that I fit the description of someone who broke into a woman's house. Right down to the knit cap.
    Barbara Sullivan made a knit cap for me. She knitted it in pinks and browns and blues and oranges and lime green. No one has a hat like this. It doesn't fit any description that anyone would have. I looked at the second cop. I clasped my hands in front of me to stop them from shaking.
    "For the record," I said to the second cop, "I'm not a criminal. I'm a college professor." I was wearing my faculty ID around my neck, clearly visible with my photo.
    "You fit the description so we just have to check it out." The first cop returned and handed me my license.
    "We have the victim and we need her to take a look at you to see if you are the person."
    It was at this moment that I knew that I was probably going to die. I am not being dramatic when I say this. I was not going to get into a police car. I was not going to present myself to some victim. I was not going let someone tell the cops that I was not guilty when I already told them that I had nothing to do with any robbery. I was not going to let them take me anywhere because if they did, the chance I was going to be accused of something I did not do rose exponentially. I knew this in my heart. I was not going anywhere with these cops and I was not going to let some white woman decide whether or not I was a criminal, especially after I told them that I was not a criminal. This meant that I was going to resist arrest. This meant that I was not going to let the police put their hands on me.
    If you are wondering why people don't go with the police, I hope this explains it for you.
    Something weird happens when you are on the street being detained by the police. People look at you like you are a criminal. The police are detaining you so clearly you must have done something, otherwise they wouldn't have you. No one made eye contact with me. I was hoping that someone I knew would walk down the street or come out of one of the shops or get off the 39 bus or come out of JP Licks and say to these cops, "That's Steve Locke. What the FUCK are you detaining him for?"
    The cops decided that they would bring the victim to come view me on the street. The asked me to wait. I said nothing. I stood still.
    "Thanks for cooperating," the second cop said. "This is probably nothing, but it's our job and you do fit the description. 5' 11", black male. One-hundred-and-sixty pounds, but you're a little more than that. Knit hat."
    A little more than 160. Thanks for that, I thought.
    An older white woman walked behind me and up to the second cop. She turned and looked at me and then back at him. "You guys sure are busy today."
    I noticed a black woman further down the block. She was small and concerned. She was watching what was going on. I focused on her red coat. I slowed my breathing. I looked at her from time to time.
    I thought: Don't leave, sister. Please don't leave.
    The first cop said, "Where do you teach?"
    "Massachusetts College of Art and Design." I tugged at the lanyard that had my ID.
    "How long you been teaching there?"
    "Thirteen years."
    We stood in silence for about 10 more minutes.
    An unmarked police car pulled up. The first cop went over to talk to the driver. The driver kept looking at me as the cop spoke to him. I looked directly at the driver. He got out of the car.
    "I'm Detective Cardoza. I appreciate your cooperation."
    I said nothing.
    "I'm sure these officers told you what is going on?"
    "They did."
    "Where are you coming from?"
    "From my home in Dedham."
    "How did you get here?"
    "I drove."
    "Where is your car?"
    "It's in the lot behind Bukhara." I pointed up Centre Street.
    "Okay," the detective said. "We're going to let you go. Do you have a car key you can show me?"
    "Yes," I said. "I'm going to reach into my pocket and pull out my car key."
    I showed him the key to my car.
    The cops thanked me for my cooperation. I nodded and turned to go.
    "Sorry for screwing up your lunch break," the second cop said.
    I walked back toward my car, away from the burrito place. I saw the woman in red.
    "Thank you," I said to her. "Thank you for staying."
    "Are you ok?" She said. Her small beautiful face was lined with concern.
    "Not really. I'm really shook up. And I have to get to work."
    "I knew something was wrong. I was watching the whole thing. The way they are treating us now, you have to watch them. "
    "I'm so grateful you were there. I kept thinking to myself, 'Don't leave, sister.' May I give you a hug?"
    "Yes," she said. She held me as I shook. "Are you sure you are ok?"
    "No I'm not. I'm going to have a good cry in my car. I have to go teach."
    "You're at MassArt. My friend is at MassArt."
    "What's your name?" She told me. I realized we were Facebook friends. I told her this.
    "I'll check in with you on Facebook," she said.
    I put my head down and walked to my car.
    My colleague was in our shared office and she was able to calm me down. I had about 45 minutes until my class began and I had to teach. I forgot the lesson I had planned. I forget the schedule. I couldn't think about how to do my job. I thought about the fact my word counted for nothing, they didn't believe that I wasn't a criminal. They had to find out. My word was not enough for them. My ID was not enough for them. My handmade one-of-a-kind knit hat was an object of suspicion. My Ralph Lauren quilted blazer was only a "puffy coat." That white woman could just walk up to a cop and talk about me like I was an object for regard. I wanted to go back and spit in their faces. The cops were probably deeply satisfied with how they handled the interaction, how they didn't escalate the situation, how they were respectful and polite.
    I imagined sitting in the back of a police car while a white woman decides if I am a criminal or not. If I looked guilty being detained by the cops imagine how vile I become sitting in a cruiser? I knew I could not let that happen to me. I knew if that were to happen, I would be dead.
    Nothing I am, nothing I do, nothing I have means anything because I fit the description.
    I had to confess to my students that I was a bit out of it today and I asked them to bear with me. I had to teach.
    After class I was supposed to go to the openings for First Friday. I went home.?
    -Steve Locke
  • Robert 832
    Shoegal81 skrev 2020-06-16 16:14:06 följande:

    Eftersom jag har Alexander Bard i titeln till mitt inlägg så ser jag att det har lockat till sig en massa rasister. Hade kanske fått samma respons om jag frågade vad det var för fel på Hitler. "Han hade egentligen rätt". Jag skulle vilja dela ett inlägg som en kollega på universitetet delade igår. Vet inte om ni har kapacitet att sätta er in i någon annans situation, förmodligen inte, det är en spärr många rasister har. Ingen av er har blivit diskriminerade pga er hudfärg. Tänk om jag skulle visa Alexander Bards inlägg för min kollega, universitetsprofessorn? Så här tänker vissa i Sverige om folk med svart hudfärg? På grund av din hudfärg antar vi att du inte har ett jobb och att du utnyttjar samhället. Vi bryr oss inte om dig som person... men eftersom tonen av din hudfärg är mörkare så är det OK att ifrågasätta varför du tycker ditt liv ska få betyda något. 

    ?This is what I wore to work today. On my way to get a burrito before work, I was detained by the police.
    I noticed the police car in the public lot behind Centre Street. As I was walking away from my car, the cruiser followed me. I walked down Centre Street and was about to cross over to the burrito place and the officer got out of the car.
    "Hey my man," he said.
    He unsnapped the holster of his gun.
    I took my hands out of my pockets.
    "Yes?" I said.
    "Where you coming from?"
    Where's home?"
    How'd you get here?"
    "I drove."
    He was next to me now. Two other police cars pulled up. I was standing in from of the bank across the street from the burrito place. I was going to get lunch before I taught my 1:30 class. There were cops all around me.
    I said nothing. I looked at the officer who addressed me. He was white, stocky, bearded.
    "You weren't over there, were you?" He pointed down Centre Street toward Hyde Square.
    "No. I came from Dedham."
    "What's your address?"
    I told him.
    "We had someone matching your description just try to break into a woman's house."
    A second police officer stood next to me; white, tall, bearded. Two police cruisers passed and would continue to circle the block for the 35 minutes I was standing across the street from the burrito place.
    "You fit the description," the officer said. "Black male, knit hat, puffy coat. Do you have identification."
    "It's in my wallet. May I reach into my pocket and get my wallet?"
    I handed him my license. I told him it did not have my current address. He walked over to a police car. The other cop, taller, wearing sunglasses, told me that I fit the description of someone who broke into a woman's house. Right down to the knit cap.
    Barbara Sullivan made a knit cap for me. She knitted it in pinks and browns and blues and oranges and lime green. No one has a hat like this. It doesn't fit any description that anyone would have. I looked at the second cop. I clasped my hands in front of me to stop them from shaking.
    "For the record," I said to the second cop, "I'm not a criminal. I'm a college professor." I was wearing my faculty ID around my neck, clearly visible with my photo.
    "You fit the description so we just have to check it out." The first cop returned and handed me my license.
    "We have the victim and we need her to take a look at you to see if you are the person."
    It was at this moment that I knew that I was probably going to die. I am not being dramatic when I say this. I was not going to get into a police car. I was not going to present myself to some victim. I was not going let someone tell the cops that I was not guilty when I already told them that I had nothing to do with any robbery. I was not going to let them take me anywhere because if they did, the chance I was going to be accused of something I did not do rose exponentially. I knew this in my heart. I was not going anywhere with these cops and I was not going to let some white woman decide whether or not I was a criminal, especially after I told them that I was not a criminal. This meant that I was going to resist arrest. This meant that I was not going to let the police put their hands on me.
    If you are wondering why people don't go with the police, I hope this explains it for you.
    Something weird happens when you are on the street being detained by the police. People look at you like you are a criminal. The police are detaining you so clearly you must have done something, otherwise they wouldn't have you. No one made eye contact with me. I was hoping that someone I knew would walk down the street or come out of one of the shops or get off the 39 bus or come out of JP Licks and say to these cops, "That's Steve Locke. What the FUCK are you detaining him for?"
    The cops decided that they would bring the victim to come view me on the street. The asked me to wait. I said nothing. I stood still.
    "Thanks for cooperating," the second cop said. "This is probably nothing, but it's our job and you do fit the description. 5' 11", black male. One-hundred-and-sixty pounds, but you're a little more than that. Knit hat."
    A little more than 160. Thanks for that, I thought.
    An older white woman walked behind me and up to the second cop. She turned and looked at me and then back at him. "You guys sure are busy today."
    I noticed a black woman further down the block. She was small and concerned. She was watching what was going on. I focused on her red coat. I slowed my breathing. I looked at her from time to time.
    I thought: Don't leave, sister. Please don't leave.
    The first cop said, "Where do you teach?"
    "Massachusetts College of Art and Design." I tugged at the lanyard that had my ID.
    "How long you been teaching there?"
    "Thirteen years."
    We stood in silence for about 10 more minutes.
    An unmarked police car pulled up. The first cop went over to talk to the driver. The driver kept looking at me as the cop spoke to him. I looked directly at the driver. He got out of the car.
    "I'm Detective Cardoza. I appreciate your cooperation."
    I said nothing.
    "I'm sure these officers told you what is going on?"
    "They did."
    "Where are you coming from?"
    "From my home in Dedham."
    "How did you get here?"
    "I drove."
    "Where is your car?"
    "It's in the lot behind Bukhara." I pointed up Centre Street.
    "Okay," the detective said. "We're going to let you go. Do you have a car key you can show me?"
    "Yes," I said. "I'm going to reach into my pocket and pull out my car key."
    I showed him the key to my car.
    The cops thanked me for my cooperation. I nodded and turned to go.
    "Sorry for screwing up your lunch break," the second cop said.
    I walked back toward my car, away from the burrito place. I saw the woman in red.
    "Thank you," I said to her. "Thank you for staying."
    "Are you ok?" She said. Her small beautiful face was lined with concern.
    "Not really. I'm really shook up. And I have to get to work."
    "I knew something was wrong. I was watching the whole thing. The way they are treating us now, you have to watch them. "
    "I'm so grateful you were there. I kept thinking to myself, 'Don't leave, sister.' May I give you a hug?"
    "Yes," she said. She held me as I shook. "Are you sure you are ok?"
    "No I'm not. I'm going to have a good cry in my car. I have to go teach."
    "You're at MassArt. My friend is at MassArt."
    "What's your name?" She told me. I realized we were Facebook friends. I told her this.
    "I'll check in with you on Facebook," she said.
    I put my head down and walked to my car.
    My colleague was in our shared office and she was able to calm me down. I had about 45 minutes until my class began and I had to teach. I forgot the lesson I had planned. I forget the schedule. I couldn't think about how to do my job. I thought about the fact my word counted for nothing, they didn't believe that I wasn't a criminal. They had to find out. My word was not enough for them. My ID was not enough for them. My handmade one-of-a-kind knit hat was an object of suspicion. My Ralph Lauren quilted blazer was only a "puffy coat." That white woman could just walk up to a cop and talk about me like I was an object for regard. I wanted to go back and spit in their faces. The cops were probably deeply satisfied with how they handled the interaction, how they didn't escalate the situation, how they were respectful and polite.
    I imagined sitting in the back of a police car while a white woman decides if I am a criminal or not. If I looked guilty being detained by the cops imagine how vile I become sitting in a cruiser? I knew I could not let that happen to me. I knew if that were to happen, I would be dead.
    Nothing I am, nothing I do, nothing I have means anything because I fit the description.
    I had to confess to my students that I was a bit out of it today and I asked them to bear with me. I had to teach.
    After class I was supposed to go to the openings for First Friday. I went home.?
    -Steve Locke
    Gripande historia. Om Man rensar bort berättarens farhågor dock så är det inget alls konstigt med händelseförloppet. Jag har också blivit stoppad för att jag matchade en efterlyst signalement.
  • Shoegal81
    Robert 832 skrev 2020-06-16 16:32:15 följande:
    Gripande historia. Om Man rensar bort berättarens farhågor dock så är det inget alls konstigt med händelseförloppet. Jag har också blivit stoppad för att jag matchade en efterlyst signalement.
    Farhågorna kommer från strukturell rasism som plågat USA i århundraden. Farhågorna kommer från systematiskt maktmissbruk från den Amerikanska polisen. Att du som vit man blivit ifrågasatt av polisen i Sverige har ingenting med det här att göra, du blev inte ifrågasatt pga färgen på din hud. 
  • Iarwain

    Ett av ställena där Bard gör fel, oavsett vad man tycker om hans inlägg.

    Det är faktiskt full möjligt att vara rasist, trots att man håller med i vad vissa svarta personer skriver, trots att man har svarta vänner, trots etc.

    Hans försvar ligger långt under hans normala intellektuella skärpa.
    Jag anar att han "tappat bollen" totalt.

    Människor är korkade! Men jag tänker inte överförklara för de som har som sin enda uppgift att missförstå så mycket som möjligt
Svar på tråden Vad är det för fel på Alexander Bard