Inlägg från: Anonym (Usch!) |Visa alla inlägg
  • Anonym (Usch!)

    Mamma har fått en dödlig cancerdiagnos - syster väljer att resa på bilsemester i sommar

    Anonym (Beklagar) skrev 2019-06-19 23:16:42 följande:

    I'm sorry for your loss. But this may sound strange to you, but I think your mother treated her mother the same way. You think it's hard to be with your mother now and you can't bear it. Keep in mind that your (and your sister) kids that you curl will treat you the same way.

    What goes around comes around.

    Shame on you for insinuating that OP's mother brought this on herself somehow. Literally cannot believe that you had the guts to post this when you know absolutely nothing of the relationship between OP's mother and her grandmother. "What goes around comes around" - what an absolutely disgusting thing to write to someone in OP's situation!
Svar på tråden Mamma har fått en dödlig cancerdiagnos - syster väljer att resa på bilsemester i sommar