klyban skrev 2023-03-10 20:33:39 följande:
När FOX har vittnat under ed och bevisen berättar att de själva säger i mail och kommunikation är sketna lögnare.
Så är det ingen "meta-disskussion" utan FAKTA och inga "hjärnspöken" 
En sak dock, vi står här IGEN att SVT/SR är opartiska.
Uppdatera om konspirationsteorier, sånt håller inte SVT/SR på med, eller nej, de har avslöjat antivaccerrörelsen 
Allt FOX nu försöker med, det är att rikta om blickarna ifrån vad de under ed har sagt och deras konversationer sin emellan, som berättar de inte trodde ett skit vad trumpen sade, men ändå valde de ljuga.
IGEN vad som skett, det är att tucker nu är en lögnare enligt vad som kommit fram i domstolen, och under ed och bevisen i deras konversationer som berättar de trodde inte ett skit på vad trumpen sade.
Ändå upprepade de lögnerna trumpen sade, fast de visste det var skräp och nonsens.
Och de glömmer av att nu flera har dömts för ett kuppförsök, men vad är nytt med extrempopulism?
Allt det berättar är att man ser shamanen följer med poliserna frivilligt utan att göra motstånd.
Dock det mest intressanta, det är att SVT/SR förblir opartiska.
Det Digestive och andra i tråden försöker göra är att legitimera FOX's spinn på gamla uppgifter. Vilka FOX's motiv är kan man bara gissa. men med tanke på att de framkommit som medvetana lögnare angående Trumps påståenden om valfusk för att behålla tittare och reklamintäkter så är det inte lpngt bort att tro att denna spinn om upploppet och stormningen av Capitolium är ett sätt att inte förlora sina tittare och reklamintäkterna.
Varför Digestive och andra i tråden försvarar FOX spinn är däremot helt tydligt och inget att gissa över.
Endera har de inte följt med i nyhetsrapporteringen eller så ...

ja, det senare kanske
ingenting nytt och ingenting dolt i fråga om polismännen inne i Capitolium
U.S. Capitol Police investigating role of 35 officers during January 6 riotWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thirty-five U.S. Capitol Police officers are being investigated for their actions during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, and six have been suspended with pay, the police department said in a statement on Friday.
Just days after the attack, it was disclosed that two officers had been suspended, according to Democratic Representative Tim Ryan. One had taken a selfie with a protester, while another wore a Trump-supporting hat and was directing protesters around the building, Ryan told reporters.
It was unclear whether the two were among the 35 now being investigated or whether they were trying to quell the crowd by establishing personal contact with rioters."
Updated 10:20 PM EST, Mon January 11, 2021One of the Capitol police officers took a selfie with someone who was part of the mob that overtook the Capitol and the other wore a “Make America Great Again” hat and started directing people around the building, according to Rep. Tim Ryan, an Ohio Democrat. He didn’t disclose how many other officers were under investigation but confirmed it was between 10 and 15, and didn’t say what they were being scrutinized for except that it was their behavior during the riot.
Ryan told reporters that one individual had been arrested, but a spokesperson for the congressman later said he was wrong and no members of law enforcement have been arrested.
The spokesperson said at least 10 Capitol Police officers are being investigated for their roles in the riot.
A House aide separately said there are as many as 17 officers under investigation as part of eight investigations into the insurrection at the Capitol."
The US Department of Justice says it has mounted the largest police investigation in US history.
It has issued more than 5,000 subpoenas, seized about 2,000 electronic devices and reviewed more than 20,000 hours of video footage.
After almost two years, 964 people have been charged and 465 people charged with federal crimes have entered guilty pleas.
Who has already been convicted?
Stewart Rhodes, the founder and leader of the Oath Keepers, has been found guilty of seditious conspiracy - a crime which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years.
One of his co-defendants, Kelly Meggs, was also found guilty of seditious conspiracy.
Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, a former US Army reservist and alleged Nazi sympathiser, has been given four years in jail after being convicted on five counts, including obstruction of an official proceeding.
Thomas Webster, 56, an ex-New York City police officer, was sentenced to 10 years on charges including assaulting police at the Capitol and violent and disorderly conduct.
Guy Reffitt from Texas was given 87 months in jail after a jury found him guilty of five felony charges. These included transporting and carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds, interfering with Capitol Police and obstructing an official proceeding.