"Why does child labour happen? Here are some of the root causes
Children are most often involved in child labour because their parents or guardians consider it ?normal? for children to work, and sometimes for children?s own survival and that of their families. When talking about child labour, it is important to understand it from the perspective of the children, families and communities themselves. Below are some of the root causes which make children particularly vulnerable to child labour.
Poverty is certainly the greatest single force driving children into the workplace.?
The availability and quality of schooling is among the most important factors.?
Children who were involved in child labour often lack the basic educational grounding which would enable them to acquire skills and to improve their prospects for a decent adult working life.?
The view that work is good for the character-building and skill development of children.?
In rural areas, farmers who see their crops destroyed on account of climate changes have no other choice but to send their children out to work.?
There is a strong correlation between child labour and situations of conflict and disaster?
Ja fattigdom var också orsaken till att svenskar lät barn i 12-årsålderns börja arbete i stället för att fortsätta gå i skolan. Föräldrarna ville förstås inte detta men familjens hade inte råd.