Gudasänd skrev 2015-12-13 21:49:42 följande:
Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to idiots in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that were spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If youre smarter than this theyll give you a better reason.
Blocking the Sun (Again): A reduction in sun light across the planet works well to decrease crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirement to engineer a food crisis and bring in a famine. This is tied in with the disappearing bees too but this site does not get into that.
Update [2012-03-29] I got bored one night and decided to explain the purpose of the disappearing bees.
Superheating the Atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes (for example hurricane Katrina in New Orleans) the atmosphere needs to be more conductive for electricity so installations such as HAARP can work their magic. So the chemtrails spray barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere.
Health Erosion: As a side effect everyones health and immune systems become more compromised. This is usually not an issue for most healthy people. Older people on average will now die sooner and any health complication is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of spraying and intentional. Anything to increase the kill rate without raising many alarm bells.
Climate Modification: To help or hurt crops, keep skys clear for a major event (like the Olympics), cause a typhoon, etc.
Nano-fiber Propagation: To universally install a BioAPI in everyone they need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or given in some other way, the uptake across the population would take forever and not propagate very efficiently. Its much easily just to spray everyone like an insect; and because its happening to everyone and universal the herd mentality of the unwashed masses then justifies it.
Foliefakta! ;)