Chasingdreams skrev 2014-10-01 10:26:14 följande:
Vid ett femdagars embryo är det ju så, men jag fick ett tre dagars så för mig borde det vara runt fredag.
Den här listan tycker jag är ganska bra kring vad som händer:
3-dagars embryo
One The embryo continues to grow and develop, turning from a 6-8 cell embryo into a morula
Two The cells of the morula continue to divide, developing into a blastocyst
Three The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
Four The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
Five The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
Six Implantation continues
Seven Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop
Eight Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream
Nine Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Ten Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Eleven Levels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy
One The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
Two The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
Three The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
Four Implantation continues
Five Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop
Six Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream
Seven Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Eight Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Nine Levels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy
Tack, hade inte läst det!
Så vårt embryo borde fäst nu då om det kommer att göra det....
Jobbigt att man läser att från nionde dagen kan hcg höjt så pass att det kan visa på test..... Ska vänta till testdag, måste!
Hur får man mens efter ivf om det inte funkat.., när liksom...?