Inlägg från: thecarseatlady |Visa alla inlägg
  • thecarseatlady

    Nån som vet om att åka bakåtvänd i bilen?

    Är du med i Facebook TS? Gå i så fall med i gruppen; Bring Extended Rearfacing To Australia. Detta är kopierat därifrån;

    In Australia we can only rear face until our children reach 12 kgs, it is LEGAL to turn a 6 month old babies car seat around.

    In America by law you cannot turn a child until they are 20lbs (about 9.5kgs) AND 12 months old. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends rear facing to AT LEAST 2 years of age but many choose to RF until 2-4 years of age.

    Rear facing is 5x safer. Australian children's lives are being put at risk as we have no choice in when our children are turned.

    Lets cause an uproar and get some attention from our government! things need to change!!!!!


    Please sign this petition to bring higher weight RFing seats to Australia:

  • thecarseatlady

    Också på Facebook; Rear-facing down under. Kopierat därifrån;


    Raising awareness in Australia of the importance of keeping babies rear-facing in the car for as long as possible. Many parents turn their babies forward-facing at 6 months because the law says they can, unaware that this could put their baby at risk of serious neck injury in a frontal collision. The safest way for babies to travel in the car is rear-facing until the rear-facing weight or height limit of the car-seat is reached.
    Community of mums, dads, grandparents, friends and car-seat professionals who are dedicated to changing the way Australian babies and young children travel in the car. Other countries in the world strongly recommend rear-facing to 2 years and even 4 years of age and beyond. We believe that Australian children deserve the same level of safety as their international cousins. We are determined to bring about this change in Australia soon. Please join us in this important mission.
    Allmän information
    Rear-Facing Down Under was founded by a mother of five from New South Wales. The page was originally started to help share rear-facing information with other mums in a birth group as their babies all reached 6 months of age; an age when many parents were considering turning their babies forward-facing. Since then, the group has flourished with members joining from Australia and around the world; including many car-seat installers.
    To keep every Australian child safe in the car and to make every Australian family aware of the safest way for babies to travel in the car. To drastically reduce the number of injuries and fatalities to babies and young children involved in car crashes. To educate parents on the importance of rear-facing their young babies to the maximum allowed weight or height limits of their car-seat. Extended rear-facing is still a relatively new concept in Australia. Together we can all help spread the word and make extended rear-facing the new "norm" in child safety.

    Please “like” this page and invite all your family and friends to “like” it too, so that all Australian parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and care-givers can be fully informed of the best way to keep our precious cargo safe in the car. Every Australian family deserves to be made aware of this life-saving information which could quite literally safe the life of a child. Help spread the word around Australia. Happy parenting and happy motoring!
  • thecarseatlady

    ^ På dessa sidor får du tips och hjälp ifall du vill köpa en inhemsk bilstol. Men jag skulle nog kontakta Håkan på och beställa en bakåtvänd bilstol som är godkänd till 25 kg av honom. Många föräldrar gör det fast det inte är lagligt, helt enkelt för att inga pengar eller böter i världen går att jämföra med att förlora ett barn.

    Lycka till!

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