Kathryn skrev 2010-06-27 08:57:37 följande:
MickeN; Artikeln du angivit i ts handlar ju inte främst om mammors användning av antidepressiva utan förskrivning av dessa till barn. Använd översättning så kanske det klarnar lite...
Dessutom torde väl problemet med de mödrar som äter antidepressiva som är skadliga/ antas kunna skada barnet ligga mycket på läkaren. Det är nog svårt att anta att alla kvinnor som äter medicin vet om dessa är skadliga vid en eventuell graviditet. Viktigast borde alltså vara för sjukvården att ha god kontakt med patienten och ge adekvat information. Som vi redan fastslagit tidigare går det ju att byta läkemedel.
Nej det handlar om mödras användning av psykofarmaka
Och att läkarna ska vara uppmärksamma på det
All spontaneous ADR reports from 1998 to 2007 for children from birth to 17 years of age were included. The unit of analysis was one ADR. We analysed the distribution of ADRs per year, seriousness, age and gender of the child, suspected medicine and type of reported ADR. A total of 429 ADRs were reported for psychotropic medicines and 56 % of these were classified as serious. Almost 20 % of psychotropic ADRs were reported for children from birth up to 2 years of age and one half of ADRs were reported in adolescents, especially for antidepressants and psychostimulants. Approximately 60 % of ADRs were reported for boys. Forty percent of all ADRs were from the category 'nervous and psychiatric disorders'. All but one ADR reported for children below two years were serious and two of these were fatal. A number of serious ADRs reported in children from birth up to 2 years of age were presumably caused by mothers' use of psychotropic medicines during pregnancy.
The high number of serious ADRs reported for psychotropic medicines in the paediatric population should be a concern for health care professionals and physicians. Considering the higher number of birth defects being reported greater care has to be given while prescribing these drugs for pregnant women.