Inlägg från: Nemia noj |Visa alla inlägg
  • Nemia noj

    Retrovagnstråden 19

    Mirla skrev 2011-06-04 20:37:55 följande:
    Om nån skulle ha en Syskonsits till övers så får man gärna inboxa mig :)
    Jag har 3 st, 2 vita till Brio och en blå till emmaljunga. (tror den va blå) men dom är inpackade i lastbilen inför resan till målilla marknaden. Men finns dom kvar efter helgen som kommer så är dom till salu.
  • Nemia noj

    Denna AWN vagnen kommer följa med till Målilla, de skojiga var idag när jag putsa lite på den och var lite nyfiken på bågen som sitter mellan korgen o handtaget så upptäckteja att den var vändbar t handtag på

    Någon som vet exakt årtal på denna?

  • Nemia noj

    Jo de lite skojigt, ja visste ju att de fanns, men inte visste ja de fanns så nära som i lokalen Om man bara vart nyfiken lite tidigare hihi

  • Nemia noj
    jagäraf skrev 2011-06-07 21:09:11 följande:
    Min "vändbara" Emmaljunga:

    Tycker de va snyggare med ekerhjul på modellen faktiskt än dom små hjulen som är på awn.
  • Nemia noj
    pollykalasnjikov skrev 2011-06-07 22:14:02 följande:
    hej experter :)

    Jag har köpt denna vagn och väntar hem den med bussgods. undrar lite vilken modell den är av. tycker den ser ut som en emmaljunga viking men gjordes den i grått?


    Inte säker men de e väl en viking, har för mig dom fanns i grått, så väl som blått och lila. Fanns säkert i fler färger men kommer inte på nu.
    Jag har haft e enfärgat marin, marin med vita rutor och lila.
  • Nemia noj

    Hihi fick ett brev från Usa på min hemsida, lite skoj o läsa faktiskt hur hon avgudar Kimin. 

    Hello from the United States! I am unlettered in Swedish, and so must comment in English; please excuse my ignorance of your lovely language.
    Your museum has a simply delightful collection. -However, what I consider to be one of the most elegant yet exciting of all strollers, the Emmaljunga Kimi, seems to me to be poorly shown; in my opinion, the photos of the Kimis in your album do not do them justice.
    I possess several Emmaljungas; my family owns a number of them. Our favorite is our beloved Kimi. Rather than being simply a rolling seat for a baby, it is a work of art, a fitting setting for even the most beautiful child, a precision driving machine and a stylish vehicle. It is finely-crafted for a thoroughly fulfilling driving experience with a child, whether it is used as a point-to-point vehicle or for the pure pleasure of an ambulatory excursion. Its form and its function are perfectly wed. This excitingly dynamic quality seems not to be conveyed by the photos in your album. -Perhaps more flattering angles could be chosen? In the above photos the Kimis in your collection appear rather boxy and graceless; they are NOT. They are -in person and in many photos- trim, taut, graceful, elegant, and stylish, with almost aggressive lines, sporty and yet refined. When a child rides in a Kimi, his driver will experience a level of feedback, control and responsiveness worthy of a Ferrari or other gran turisimo. A child's weight will create the conditions necessary for an exquisite balance which translates into delightfully fine handling, which some might call touchy, but is more aptly described as sensitive. A firm hand but a light touch is amply rewarded.
    A Kimi is a comfortable but not a luxurious stroller, being a bit spare and pared-down as in most sport driving machines. However, even the purely functional features are gracefully styled. -For instance, their hoods (canopies) are a delight, with graceful S-curved passively-locking retractor mechanisms which are reminiscent of those on well-appointed carriages from the horse-and-buggy days.
    My son loved his Kimi and we took it with us wherever we went ...except on one vacation, whereupon we discovered we missed it so much we bought a different model. Whether strolling downtown or off-roading in the temperate rain forests of the Pacific Northwest, it never let us down and always looked fantastic. The transition between sophisticated child-around-town and intrepid adventurer was easy in the Kimi.
    Of the many Emaljungas my family has owned, my eldest son's Kimi was easily my favorite, his mother's favorite, and -most importantly, to my mind- his own favorite. His mother bought several Emmaljungas for her daughter, and one for her second son, but -alas- the Kimi was no longer sold by that time. They were lovely strollers all (Even the Emmalite we bought my son while on vacation, as odd as its suspension might have been), but the Kimi is clearly the superior stroller in both function and form, even if, due to its sport-stroller nature, it is not _quite_ as comfortable as some of the others.
    I might add that the Kimi's big brother model the Ringo is perhaps even more lovely than the Kimi, with larger wheels and a comparably proportioned and similarly styled hood; it is sized for children perhaps age 3 to 6 or even 7.
    I think that even the most lovely of strollers always looks better, and only truly looks complete, with a beautiful child seated therein. Just as the delightful balance and exquisite handling of my son's Kimi remained a mere potential without the joyful privilege of using it to convey my own delightful and exquisite young son on our mutual explorations of the world around us.
    Thank you for sharing these photos with us. It is a wonderful collection...even if I think the Kimi could be photographed in a more flattering manner.
    Felix Vaughn Cheyne

  • Nemia noj
    vagnmama skrev 2011-06-08 12:41:45 följande:
    Den finns i 1952 års katalog o heter "Klappvagn 724rgsk". "Handtaget överslagbart" står det i texten. Vagnen finns även i 1956 års katalog, så modellerna höll ofta i sig ett tag. Kanske fanns vagnen före 1952, men jag har ingen katalog åren strax före 1952.
    Ahh tack, ja får skriva mellan 52-56 ca. Dom som haft den innan sa de va en 40 talare.. hmm. Undra om dom visste med säkerhet eller om dom gissa.
  • Nemia noj

    Jo brevet var skojigt, blev lite paff att någon från Usa kikat in min hemsida.

  • Nemia noj
    vagnmama skrev 2011-06-08 16:36:44 följande:
    Men ex. om vagnen var från 1948, då är det ju en 40-talare. Så förra ägare kanske visste.
    Det är ju inte långt mellan 1948 o 1952... o kanske fanns det även då.
    Ja precis, ja ja man kan ju skriva slutet av 40 talet början av 50. Eller låter de dumt?
  • Nemia noj

    Vet någon årsmodell på denna Emmaljungan? fotskyddet sitter inte på men ligger i bakgrunden så den är komplett iaf.

Svar på tråden Retrovagnstråden 19