irrajk sambo: Mrs Corbally, I've been in this conversation ranting on in English, but I'd like to make a comment about the Issue of violence in Ireland. Because of the " struggles " violence and fear has been accepted in Irish society. The one thing I really object to is peoples casual attitude towards Drugs in Ireland. Many people think it's cool to smoke a spliff in a party, many people think it's ok to occasionally do a line of coke in the toilet of a nightclub " just to keep a clean buzz for the night ". The inevitable consequence of this mentality is increased violence in society. The " Drugs trade " is a very lucrative business and criminals are prepared to stop at nothing to protect their income generated from the sale and distribution of ilegal drugs. Gardai are doing a good job catching drug dealers and getting arms off the streets, but I think the most significant act that will reduce violence in Irish society is for people not to use ilegal drugs " recreationally ". Every block of Hash or bag of Grass in Ireland comes into the country through the hands of criminals. If nobody buys these drugs for recreational use the business would collapse. It deeply saddens me to read comments from visitors to Ireland like yourself, you are very lucky in Sweden that violence and crime is not widespread, even though drugs are available in Sweden, Swedish people in general wouldn't be interested in taking drugs. While in Sweden, I've only had " white collar " crime committed against me, some spa tried to rip off my VISA card for over 7500kr after a visit to a pub in Stockholm and some other spa ordered a pile of computers from me and didn't pay. This is a contrast to Ireland where I've had 3 motorcycles stolen, 2 cars broken onto and some complete clown once tried to " car jack " me with a pellet gun, lucky for me I was a fast runner!