To a certain point I can understand that you feel upset over us/me complaining with Ireland. I'm deadly homesick and suffer from insomnia since long time due to me longing back to Sweden and I do paint a romantic picture of the land back home.
I have in periods trouble seeing positive things with Ireland. I suppose the newspapers don't so much to change the dark picture (I seriously don't read tabloids!). Healtcare, schools, care for elderly, general health, crime - all are problem areas in Ireland. Not to say they are not in Sweden! But I don't live in Sweden. I don't discuss problem areas in Sweden. I live - partly against my own will - in Ireland.
At the same time the moaning has become standard even with the Irish. I had my daughter born in Cork and enjoyed FANTASTIC post-natal care for me and neo natal care for her. Even the ante-natal care was great - and I went public. I'm telling you (and everyone else) the care for pregnant and babies here is way superiour to Sweden. Do I get surprised or not then when Irish women are dismissing my praise, insisting all is crap in Ireland!? Sure that's based on their experience but I would expect them to take it in and feel proud or at least accept my experience as a great example, but they don't.
It's a little bit do as the Jones or however the saying goes. The Irish are behind on many areas (of natural reasons, Brits, famine, war, Eamonn de Valera, catholic church, The Troubles, The 80:s), they do try and get things together, but are slower than countries like Sweden (who haven't had a war in 197 years + have great natural resources) or Norway (with their oil).
But that's what we compare to! It is unfair, no doubt about that, but try and see our background here.
I'm from a middle class family in Stockholm, from a large warm house, from a school with free lunches, from a university environment without fees and with generous lending and grants for students, for a health care that is free, free dentists up until your 19, from the best roads in Europe, from the country most advanced in environmental issues. From a country where smacking children have been illegal for a generation. We will never be able to make a fair comparision with Ireland.
In saying that we might be able to inspire Ireland and contribute our own way. I'd like to see it as a strenght rather than a problem.