Antisionism är inte antisemitism
ALLT han säger här kan man lätt kolla upp och man ser att det stämmer. Och då är det ju helt ointressant vem som säger det. Mitt syfte är bara: Han lyckades sammanfatta det på 3 minuter.
The continuation of these attacks, killing evenly across the population, ?demonstrates an apparent indifference to the death of civilians and the impact of the means and methods of warfare selected?, the report states.
The most represented of verified fatalities are children. The three categories of age most represented were children aged from 5 to 9 years old, children from 10 to 14 years old, and babies and children from 0 to 4 years old."
Beyond the limited time period of the U.N. figures, data analyst Mark Zlochin notes additional limitations resulting from the U.N.?s own ?verification methodology,? which the U.N. itself acknowledged, stating:
That a large proportion of the fatalities verified by OHCHR were killed in residential buildings or similar housing is also partly explained by OHCHR?s verification methodology, which requires at least three independent sources, and the challenges in collecting and verifying information of killings in other circumstances.
About the OHCHR revelation, Zlochin observes:
In other words, their ?methodology? makes it much more likely to leave out fatalities that were not killed ?in residential buildings or similar housing? and/or those that could not be confirmed by at least three independent sources.
You know, like those that were killed in face-to-face combat with IDF, for example. [Bold in original.]
Therefore according to the numbers published by OCHA for 70% of the casualties to be women and children 114% of the unidentified casualties have to be women and children, which is mathematically impossible.
Gott Nytt År! 🎉
Jag försöker vara ärlig med när jag faktiskt ändrar åsikt i något, och jag har börjat tvivla på - och har aldrig varit helt säker i den frågan heller - när det gäller hur stor andel av Gazas befolkning stödjer Hamas. Det kan vara så att de är så förtryckta av Hamas, att de inte vågar göra motstånd. Uppenbarligen har de försökt protestera 2017, men det gick inte så bra. Jag tyckte den här videon var intressant. Visserligen bara två personer från Gaza, men de ger ett ganska trovärdigt intryck att många tycker så.