Män är intelligentare än kvinnor - på gruppnivå skiljer 6 IQ poäng!
Det finns olika källor med olika upptäckter. Det ska man nog ta hänsyn till innan man för en debatt utifrån premisser som inte nödvändigtvis stämmer.
" In 2000, researchers Roberto Colom and Francisco J. Abad conducted a large study of 10,475 adults on five IQ tests taken from the Primary Mental Abilities and found negligible or no significant sex differences. The tests conducted were on vocabulary, spatial rotation, verbal fluency and inductive reasoning."
"A large analysis by five researchers with a representative sample size of over 15,000 participants found no support for sex differences in IQ, neither among children nor among adults."
"A 2022 meta-analysis found that even small sex-based differences in general intelligence were an artifact of older tests, with current test batteries showing no statistically significant difference between the sexes, but that differences in intelligence sub-types such as processing speed (favoring females) and visual-spatial reasoning (favoring males) remained even when controlling for test age."