This is the United States Secretary of Defense, and I acknowledge your email regarding the release warrant of your Fiancee Gen. John Pehrson in Syria, one of the United States military officers. Ma'am, we want you to know we've got the mail and got the information about your Fiancee and in fact, all necessary contacts have now been made through the army-based office in Washington DC, United States, and the military observer meaning the personnel and observer to all military personnel assigned to Damascus, Syria at the United Nations office here in Washington DC, United States.
Madam, getting a military warrant or vacation release in Syria is a big job and it is going through a decent process to pick up some files from the United Nations office here in Washington DC, USA, and also a Proceed Order from the headquarters of the military base in Washington DC United States, which has cost a certain amount just because it is an urgent holiday request and all necessary contact has been transferred to the different offices and this is what we need to do now, we have to replace your Fiancee Gen. John Pehrson with another officer, we will bring another officer to camp to replace your Fiancee to fight/treat/support the massive combat attack in IRAQ so that Gen. John Pehrson can leave the camp and come to you in your country.
We only have 5 countries to bring the officer to replace your Friend, the countries where we can get an officer are listed below:
1) US officer from our camp in America ($ 12,000)
2) British soldier officer at our London camp (£ 9,000)
3) Turkey officer from our camp in Turkish (7,000 euros)
4) Royal Canadian Officer from our camp Canada ($ 10,000)
5) French officer from our camp in France (15,000 euros)
You'll have to choose one of the officers. We need to get them all ready to come and replace your Fiancee for the massive combat attack in IRAQ and also take him on an urgent vacation so that he can leave the camp in Syria and meet you in your country as soon as possible. Select one from this country and pay for the release document, we will also help you process everything necessary to document your Fiancee to leave the camp.
Note: This is the United Nations release order. It will take a few days before your request is ready, or exactly one week in total.
With my sincere salutations
"Lloyd Austin"
Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)