Padirac skrev 2024-06-08 21:55:29 följande:
Länk till en udnersökning som visar att det inte är någpn skillnad i fråga om försvarsvilja mellan utlandsfödda/barn till utlandsfödda och icke invandrade till Sverige.
Folkutbytesteorin är en konpirationsteori som sprids av vitmakt, etnonationalister och rasister och har mer än 100 år på nacken
"Also known as: great replacement, great replacement theory
Also called:great replacement theory
Or:great replacement
Replacement theory, in the United States and certain other Western countries whose populations are mostly white, a far-right conspiracy theory alleging, in one of its versions, that left-leaning domestic or international elites, on their own initiative or under the direction of Jewish co-conspirators, are attempting to replace white citizens with nonwhite (i.e., Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Arab) immigrants. The immigrants? increased presence in white countries, as the theory goes, in combination with their higher birth rates as compared with those of whites, will enable new nonwhite majorities in those countries to take control of national political and economic institutions, to dilute or destroy their host countries? distinctive cultures and societies, and eventually to eliminate the host countries? white populations. Some adherents of replacement theory have characterized these predicted changes as ?white genocide.?
The conception of nonwhite immigrants in terms of negative racial and ethnic stereotypes has been commonplace in many white-majority countries, and the notion that nonwhite immigrants, and even long-established nonwhite communities, threaten the freedom and well-being of whites has been a battle cry among white racists. Likewise, the claim that national governments or unspecified elites are secretly directing the replacement and eventual elimination of whites has circulated among fringe groups of white supremacists, anti-Semites, and other right-wing extremists since at least the late 19th century."
"The Great Replacement (
French: Grand Remplacement), also known as replacement theory or great replacement theory,
[1][2][3] is a
white nationalist[4] far-right conspiracy theory[3][5][6][7] espoused by French author
Renaud Camus. The original theory states that, with the complicity or cooperation of "replacist" elites,
[a][5][8] the ethnic French and white European populations at large are being demographically and culturally replaced by non-white peoples?especially from
Muslim-majority countries?through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate of white Europeans.
[5][9][10]" ärligt, tror du att killarna i Adidaskläder som snackar ghettospråk är det minsta lilla intresserade av att försvara Sverige?
Dessa människor är födda här men saknar anknytning till Sverige. De är fullkomligt ointresserade av svensk kultur, värderingar och historia.