Vågar ni vaccinera er mot covid?
Ja jag har länkat till fakta flera gånger i denna tråd du verkar däremot ha väldigt svårt, men visst här hr du lite länkar igen.
Citat också för att göra lite extra enkelt för dig.
Angående hur man anger smittsamhet (med R0) samt hur smittsamt vattkoppor är samt Covid-19:
"The basic reproduction number (R0), also called the basic reproduction ratio or rate or the basic reproductive rate, is an epidemiologic metric used to describe the contagiousness or transmissibility of infectious agents."
R0 för Covid-19:
"Basic Reproductive Rate (R0) is the average number of people infected by one person in a susceptible population. R0 for COVID-19 is estimated to be between 2 and 4"
R0 för vattkoppor:
"IIn this paper, we have estimated R 0 and p c for varicella in Belgium for different configurations of the WAIFW matrix. First, the force of infection has been estimated from seroprevalence data stratified by age, using a parametric model with fractional polynomials. The estimates of the mean force of infection over six age groups has then given the means to estimate the transmission coefficients, R 0 and p c for six different configurations of the WAIFW matrix. The variability of these parameters has been estimated through the computation of bootstrap confidence intervals. The results show that the values of R 0 and p c are sensitive to the structure of the WAIFW matrix, with the estimates of R 0 ranging between 3·12 and 68·57 and those of p c ranging between 67·92% and 98·54% for the six configurations chosen."