Inlägg från: AlexanderFionov |Visa alla inlägg
  • AlexanderFionov

    Sma grodorna in English

    I have tried to translate Sma grodorna to English.
    This is a result:
    What do you think about my translation?

    The little frogs, the little frogs
    Are funniest to see.
    No ears, no ears,
    No tails have they got.

    The little pigs, the little pigs
    Are funniest to see.
    Two ears, two ears
    And tiny tails have they.

    The elephants, the elephants
    Are funniest to see.
    Big ears, big ears
    And also trunks have they.

    In the phrase
    "No tails have they got"
    the word tails is singing as ta-ails.

  • Svar på tråden Sma grodorna in English
  • AlexanderFionov
    Thank you very much for your comment!
    I think that "Small froggies"  is indefinite form and is not consistent with "grodorna"
    On the other case, there is a translation in wiki with "the little frogs".
    I think that somebody can sing "the"

    The little frogs, the little frogs are funny to observe.
    The little frogs, the little frogs are funny to observe.No ears, no ears, no tails do they possess.No ears, no ears, no tails do they possess.The little pigs, the little pigs are funny to observe.The little pigs, the little pigs are funny to observe.Both ears, both ears and tails do they possess.Both ears, both ears and tails do they possess.

    I do not like words "observe" and "possess". I think that these words have another meaning in comparison with the swedish text.
  • AlexanderFionov

    There is direct word order and inverse.
    I used inverse order.
    Concerning "funniest" I agree that swedish text is different. But I have to put words into required rhythm, and it is not possible usually to translate word-to-word.

  • AlexanderFionov

    Thank you very much for your opinion. I shall think about the improvement. Anyway, I have already an orchestration for Sma grodorna, and think to record three versions: in Swedish, in Russian and in English.

  • AlexanderFionov
    Guldnovan skrev 2021-03-14 01:00:26 följande:

    Elephants? Where on earth did you find them? 

    I know that there is third verse about elephants. 
  • AlexanderFionov
    Guldnovan skrev 2021-03-14 01:00:26 följande:

    Elephants? Where on earth did you find them? 

    I know that there is third verse about elephants. 
Svar på tråden Sma grodorna in English