En del kvinnor har svårt att få orgasm, oavsett vad man gör. Problemet är betydligt ovanligare hos män.
Har det gått dig förbi att det finns män som skiter i det fast man förklarar? Diskuterat det med många vänner, vanligt att killen vill bli avsugen men inte är beredd att göra nåt tillbaka.
Hur mycket av porren du ser är inriktad på kvinnors njutning? Hur mycket tas vikten av klitoris upp i skolans sexualundervisning?
Ditt inlägg påminner om hur kränkta folk blir, så fort man inte har hundra procents fokus på män och deras njutning. Faaarliiiigt.
Nepp, det har inte heller gått mej förbi att du inte skrev något om att förklara, du skrev: " Många män vet nog inte hur de ska göra och tror att det är omanligt att fråga. "
"' Hur mycket av porren du ser är inriktad på kvinnors njutning? "
Hur mycket av din självonani är inriktat på männens njutning?
Hur många av filmerna du ser som stimulerar kvinnors erotiska fantasier är inriktade på männens njutning?
" Hur mycket tas vikten av klitoris upp i skolans sexualundervisning? "
Tror inte det lades något fokus öht på njutning när jag gick i skolan.
" Ditt inlägg påminner om hur kränkta folk blir, så fort man inte har hundra procents fokus på män och deras njutning. Faaarliiiigt. "
Ditt inlägg påminner om gnällfeminism där man spelar offer och förhör män om hur mycket fokus de lägger på kvinnor eftersom de blir kränkta så fort man inte har hundra procents fokus på kvinnor (på gnällfeministen). Löööjligt.
'Ska du inte fråga hur många % av böckerna jag har som är skrivna av kvinnliga författare när du ändå håller på?
Why Do Lesbians Have More Orgasms Than Straight Women? | Psychology Today
To explain a little more. We're living through an era of what Germaine Greer called "veritable clitoromania" where feminists for decades have been promoting the idea that the clitoris is the gold standard of women's sexual response and the vagina is dead in the water. According to many feminists, women who climax easily during bonking are simply a figment of men's pornographic imagination. The joys of bonking have been redefined as masculine self-indulgence ? men exercising patriarchal power over miserable, clitorally-deprived women.
There's a funny story which sums up the problem at the heart of this issue. This comedy skit from a British comedian Jenny Lecoat is all about women not being easy to please in bed.
It goes like this:
?He, labouring away, pauses to ask, "Are you nearly there?" "It's hard to say," says she. He plunges on. "If you imagine it as a journey from here to China, where would you be?" She considers. "The kitchen."'
To me, the point of that skit is that giving women sexual pleasure isn't always easy. Lots of women are hard to arouse. Plenty of women don't reach orgasm regularly if at all, many have trouble coming during intercourse. For men it is different. Of course men have problems too.. with erections, with coming too soon, with orgasms sometimes. But as we all know, most men really enjoy bonking ? shagging, screwing, the act of sexual intercourse which has been the most obvious way of making love for most of us throughout history ? partly due to its role in reproduction
What we never hear about anymore is that there are plenty of women who also into traditional rumpy-pumpy and prefer to come that way. Yet these days such women are being treated peculiar, a very rare, almost extinct species. There's a constant stream of misleading statistics being promoted greatly exaggerating the numbers of women who require direct clitoral stimulation to climax, and denying the substantial numbers who enjoy vaginal orgasm.
I hope you find this a welcome change from the grim topics I so often cover in my videos. It includes fascinating research such as brave couples who had sex in MRI machines, showing that in the missionary position the penis bends like a boomerang bringing it into contact with the area of the famous G Spot. Other research investigating how spinal-cord injured women still reach orgasm revealed a different nervous pathway for vaginal orgasms.
As a former sex therapist, I find it most irritating that this most intriguing of topics is distorted to promote the ideological fashion of our times ? demonising the lovemaking most men enjoy.
Bettina Arndt takes on feminist claims that intercourse is about men exercising patriarchal power by denying women clitoral pleasure. She argues traditional rumpy-pumpy is preferred by many women as well as most men.