Ignoramus skrev 2020-02-06 08:52:58 följande:
#120 Haha! Hahahaha! Ha!
Feminister hatar män för att kvinnor blir förtryckta av män. Både på ett strukturellt och personligt plan. Genom hela livet.
Incels hatar kvinnor för att de inte får sex.
Feminister demonstrerar sitt hat genom att stärka andra kvinnor att kräva mer utrymme och respekt, och typ skriva debattartiklar.
Incels demonstrerar sitt hat genom att sitta och skriva att kvinnor borde dö/våldtas/hotas/misshandlas. Och ibland även förverkliga dessa åsikter. För att de inte får ha sex trots att de är så ?snälla? och ?respektfulla? killar.
Feminister demonstrerar sitt hat genom att stärka andra kvinnor att kräva mer utrymme och respekt, och typ skriva debattartiklar."
nja, vänsterfeminister utnyttjar fördelarna med att inte vara förtryckt till att skriva fabricerade/överdrivna historier i Aftonbladet. Hade de varit förtryckta på riktigt hade de haft väldigt begränsad yttrandefrihet.
Feminister hatar män för att kvinnor blir förtryckta av män. Både på ett strukturellt och personligt plan. Genom hela livet."
Det finns nästan bara en typ av män som lyssnar på vänsterfeminister
Det är de snälla männen:
no more mr nice guy - Dr Robert A Glover
Men born after World War II had the misfortune of growing up during the only era of recent western history in which it was not always a good thing to be male. This was primarily the result of two significant family and social changes in the post war era: 1) boys were disconnected from their fathers and other healthy male role models, and 2) boys were forced to seek approval from women and accept a female definition of what it meant to be male.
As a result of these two dynamics, many boys and men came to believe that they had to hide or eliminate any negative male traits (like those of their fathers or other "bad" men) and become what they believed women wanted them to be.
Tricky Cuttlefish Put on Gender-Bending Disguise | Live Science
When a male cuttlefish is wooing a lady, he often "cheats" by painting typical female patterns on one side of his body, while the other side ? the one facing the female ? shows off
typical male patterns. This gender-bending disguise fools rival males into thinking they're seeing just a couple of ladies hanging out. That means more of an opportunity for the cheater cuttlefish to mate.
www.livescience.com/21374-cuttlefish-gender-bending-disguise.htmlMen det funkar inte så bra
7 Reasons You Don't Want to Date a Male Feminist
1. Because I am not a lesbian.
I want to date a man who acts like a man not some simpering fop who feels the need to placate me. Don?t humor me, treat me like an equal not someone who needs special dispensation because I have a vagina.
brasspills.com/7-reasons-you-dont-want-to-date-a-male-feminist/ De snälla männen behandlar vänsterfeminister som de vill bli behandlade

no more mr nice guy - Dr Robert A Glover
Seeking women's approval gives women the power to define men and determine their worth. If a woman says he is "wrong" or thinks he is a "jerk," a Nice Guy will be inclined to believe she is right. Even if the Nice Guy argues with the woman's evaluation, at some level he knows that since she is the woman, she must be right. (One Nice Guy asked me, "If a man is talking in the forest and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong?")
Det uppskattas inte av andra kvinnor.
7 Reasons You Don't Want to Date a Male Feminist
3. Because I am an adult and I don?t need someone to treat me like a child.
I don?t need a man to tell me that nothing is my fault because of my vagina. I have agency and I am responsible for my life, my choices and my actions. I neither need nor desire any white knight on his magical steed to save me from the consequences of my behavior. I?ll save myself. Thanks.
brasspills.com/7-reasons-you-dont-want-to-date-a-male-feminist/ Dessa män kan bli lite sura när godheten inte uppskattas.
no more mr nice guy - Dr Robert A Glover
Seeking women's approval creates rage toward women. Though most Nice Guys claim to "love" women, the truth is, most of these men have tremendous rage toward women. This is because we tend to eventually despise whatever we make into our god. When our god fails to respond in the ways we expect, we humans tend to respond in one of two ways. We either blindly intensify our acts of worship or lash out in righteous anger. When Nice Guys put a woman or women on a pedestal and attempt to win their approval, sooner or later, this adoration will turn to rage when these objects of worship fail to live up to the Nice Guys' expectations. This is why it is not unusual to hear a Nice Guy proclaim his undying love to a woman in one breath and then ragefully call her a "f . . . c . . ." only moments later.
7 Reasons You Don't Want to Date a Male Feminist
6. Because the most whiny and abusive men tend to be male feminists.
This is largely anecdotal, but I know some male feminists and I know women who have dated them. The minute you disagree with their worldview or tell then you are not interested in them sexually ? they are the first ones to call a woman the dreaded ?C? word among others. Lucky for us, they are basically pussies, so they are just verbally abusive.
brasspills.com/7-reasons-you-dont-want-to-date-a-male-feminist/ Snälla män kan vara väldigt självuppoffrande
The Victim Triangle
Rather than helping Nice Guys meet their needs, covert contracts and caretaking only lead to frustration and resentment. When this frustration and resentment builds long enough, it often spills out in some not so pretty ways. Giving to get creates a cycle of craziness called the victim triangle. The victim triangle consists of three predictable sequences:
1) The Nice Guy gives to others hoping to get something in return.
2) When it doesn't seem that he is getting as much as he gives or he isn't getting what he expected, he feels frustrated and resentful. Remember, the Nice Guy is the one keeping score and he isn't totally objective.
3) When this frustration and resentment builds up long enough, it spills out in the form of rage attacks, passive-aggressive behavior, pouting, tantrums, withdrawing, shaming, criticizing, blaming, even physical abuse. Once the cycle has been completed, it usually just begins all over again.
Men det genomskådas
7 Reasons You Don't Want to Date a Male Feminist
7. Because male feminists think you owe them something because they are feminists.
Like feminists, male feminists are very entitled creatures. They believe they are owed sex because they put on the pussy hat and stood up to nobody in particular for OUR rights, that were not in any jeopardy. I don?t sleep with men because I feel I owe them, I sleep with them because I find them desirable. Strangely, I?ve yet to meet, in person, a male feminist I?d consider worthy of the promised land. I won?t be holding my breath that I ever will.
brasspills.com/7-reasons-you-dont-want-to-date-a-male-feminist/Sen beklagar de sig över att kvinnor inte vill inte ha snälla män.
no more mr nice guy - Dr Robert A Glover
This frustration is due to the reality that in general, women view men who try to please them as weak and hold these men in contempt. Most women do not want a man who tries to please them - they want a man who knows how to please himself. Women consistently share with me that they don't want a passive, pleasing wimp. They want a man - someone with his balls still intact.