Anonym (Sixten) skrev 2019-11-28 17:31:11 följande:
#221 Det jag har hört är att det är en liten del män som anses attraktiva av majoriteten av kvinnorna, som inte har några problem med att hitta kvinnor. Medans om man är medemåttig eller under, så är det betydligt svårare.
Det blir lite sisådär när man citerat någon som citerat någon som citerat studien (precis som i Expressen och Aftonbladet) med statistik på likes & swipes på Tinder.
This study was conducted to quantify the Tinder socio-economic prospects for males based on the percentage of females that will "like" them. Female Tinder usage data was collected and statistically analyzed to determine the inequality in the Tinder economy. It was determined that the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men. The Gini coefficient for the Tinder economy based on "like" percentages was calculated to be 0.58. This means that the Tinder economy has more inequality than 95.1% of all the world?s national economies. In addition, it was determined that a man of average attractiveness would be "liked" by approximately 0.87% (1 in 115) of women on Tinder. Also, a formula was derived to estimate a man?s attractiveness level based on the percentage of "likes" he receives on Tinder: attractiveness%=16.8*ln(like%)+52.3
Tinder Experiments II: Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder - a quantitative socio-economic studyätdejting är väldigt utseendefixerat och majoriteten av både män och kvinnor lägger majoriteten av 'anbuden' högre än sin egen nivå. Hur virtuella likes är fördelade på internet stämmer inte överens med hur riktiga "likes" är fördelade.
Attraction Inequality and the Dating Economy - Quillette
There are no villains in this story. Nobody can or should be blamed for his or her honest preferences, and if women collectively believe that most men are unattractive, what grounds does anyone, male or female, have to argue with them? We may pity the large majority of men who are regarded as unattractive and who have few or no romantic experiences while a small percentage of attractive men have many. Just as much, consider that we live in a monogamous culture, and so the 20 percent of men who are regarded as attractive can only be in committed relationships with at most 20 percent of women. We may just as well pity the rest of the women, who are destined to be in committed relationships, if they pursue a relationship at all, with someone who they regard as unattractive. The only villain in this story is nature, which has molded our preferences so that this tragic mismatch of attraction and availability occurs.
This graph-and it's practically not even a graph, just a table with a couple columns-makes a statement as stark as its own negative space. A woman's at her best when she's in her very early twenties. Period. And really my plot doesn't show that strongly enough. The four highest-rated female ages are 20, 21, 22, and 23 for every group of guys but one. You can see the general pattern below, where I've overlaid shading for the top two quartiles (that is, top half) of ratings
Men's Favorite Ages Are 20, 21, 22, and 23: A Data Dive by the Co-Founder of OKCupid ligger något i det men det betyder ju inte att män ratar alla kvinnor under 24 för att de inte är tillräckligt attraktiva, inte ens när de kollar på porr.